Below are the few Nostradamus quatrains and my interpretations written posted in Chapter 1, in April of 1997. Please reread them and read further down for my updated comments in light of the recent terrorist events which do shed more lights to their prophetic meanings.
II.39 A tragic accident shall happen one year before the WW III.
Un an devant le conflit Italique
Germain, Gaulois, Espagnols pour le fort
Cherra l'escole maison de republic
Ou, hors mis peu, seront suffoquez morts
An: year; devant: before; fort: strength, powerful man; cherra (cherir):
cherish; nurse; escole: school; maison: house; hors: outside; suffoquer:
to suffocate.
One year before Italian conflict
Germany, France, and Spain through a strong mediator
Nurture the school house of the Republic
Oh, except a few, most shall die a suffocated death
COMMENT: One year before the invasion on Italian soil, Germany, France, and Spain during an international conference or summit in oder to save the European Economic Community from collapsing or to inaugurate a research center, European economy shall collapse or the conference site is sabotaged by terrorists, killing most the attendants. A difficult prophecy shall be obvious when the event actually happen.
IX.55 The Divine Chastisements men cannot avoid.
L'horrible guerre qu'en occident s'appreste
L'an ensuivant viendra la pestilence
Si fort terrible, que jeune, vieil, ne beste
Sang, feu, Mercu, Mars, Jupiter en France
Guerre: war; appreste (appreter): to prepare; ensuivant: following;
jeune: young; vieil: old; beste: beast; sang: blood; feu: fire; Mercu:
Mercury, (fig.) God's Chastisement; Mars: war; Jupiter: (fig.) mankind.
A horrible war the West shall prepare
One year following shall come the pestilence
So terrible that the young, old, nor beast shall avoid
Blood, fire, Chastisements, wars, men in France
COMMENT: One year after NATO prepare for war, the WW III shall start. Another meaning: one year before or after the WW, a horrible plague shall break out in France and Europe.
X.58 In the time of mourning, Muslims shall attack....
Au temps du dueil que le Selin monarque
Guerroyera le jeune Aematrien
Gaule bransler perecliter la barque
Tenter Phossens au ponant entretien
Dueil (deuil): mourning; Selin: (Greek) moon, (fig.) Muslim; guerroyera
(guerroyer): wage war; Aematrien: anagram of American; Gaul: French;bransler
(branler): to nod, to shake head; perecliter: to be in jeopardy, to jeopardize;
barque: boat; tenter: to attempt, to tempt, venture; Phossen: Marseilles;
ponant: west; entretien: maintenance, support.
In the time of mourning that Muslim monarch
Shall wage war against the young American
France shaken jeopardize the boat
Tempt Marseilles for western support
COMMENT: Muslims shall attack Europe while USA has a new inexperienced
leader who shall replace a fallen leader. French navy shall be in danger
in Mediterranean, exposing Marseilles which shall seek the western France
for help.
Quatrain II-39:
This quatrain should be rewritten as follows:
One year before Italian conflict
Germany, France, and Spain through a show of force
Shall mourn the loss of the house of the Republic
Oh, except a few, most shall die a suffocated death.
Italian conflict is the invasion of Italy by Muslims, the beginning
of World War III. The Republic is USA. Germany, France, and Spain are NATO’s
members. The last line indicated the collapse of the building which was
so tragic that Nostradamus had to utter such a lamentation. NATO members
are now supporting US in fighting the war against terrorists. But this
war will escalate into the conflict between Western countries against Muslim
countries, which will eventually involve Russia.
Quatrain IX.55:
A horrible war the West shall prepare
One year following shall come the pestilence
So terrible that the young, old, nor beast shall avoid
Blood, fire, Chastisements, wars, men in France
One year after NATO prepare for war, the World War will honestly begin
with the invasion of Italy. France, a catholic nation, who abandon God
shall suffer greatly.
Quatrain X.58:
In the time of mourning that Muslim monarch
Shall wage war against the young American
France shaken jeopardize the boat
Tempt Marseilles for western support
The Muslim nations shall raise war against US on many fronts. They will invade Italy and France shall come to rescue the latter probably with their brand-new but untested aircraft carrier which sadly will be sunk in the Mediterranean Sea by the less sophisticated Muslim naval forces. So many soldiers will die that day. And this single loss will expose the sea-port Marseilles to Muslim invaders.
For US, she will be paralyzed probably due to terrorist activities, another Vietnam war in Afghanistan, economic collapse, natural disasters, indecisiveness, or all of those reasons combined.
The Divine Chastisement is coming soon. The decisive moment has arrived for us to make a decision to turn back to God or to turn against God, for us to repent and hope that God be merciful and lenient or continue to rebel against Him and suffer more.
Everything happened and will happen according to the Divine Plan. Nothing happens by chance but we can change the course of destiny by our own conversions and our own actions. Collectively, we should repent for our past sins and change our lives before it is too late.
This morning, after praying before the Blessed Sacrament, I asked the
Lord for a Scriptural verse to leave it with you, and I received
the following from Chapter 10 of the First Book of Chronicles: