After I surrendered my life to our Lord Jesus Christ, one day she asked me again about that issue. I said I would pray to our Lord about it and whatever He said, I would obey regardless of my own will. I did not said yes to her request because I still did not want another baby. I prayed for two days and nothing happened for several days. During this time, my wife thought that I was just joking and she was not convinced that I actually prayed to God. And she wondered how I would know that God talked to me. I told her that I would not pray about that matter again and when the Lord answered He would make certain in my heart that the Message was from Him.
On the seventh day counted after my prayer, I met a Christian at work who exchanged a book with me. The classic book, titled "In His Steps" written by Rev. Charles Sheldon, in which every character was committed to pray to Jesus Christ before he or she had to make a difficult decision. On the ninth day which was a beautiful sunny day in May, I had a chance to read that book for half an hour in my office before work. Afterwards, I closed the book and asked: "Lord, what would You do?" Suddenly and ever so softly, the Lord spoke to me: "If I was you, I would restore the body My Father created." I broke down in tears and called my wife immediately to inform her of the Lord's Answer, and also to arrange a surgery without any hesitation. We were both so marvelled that the Lord actually speaked with His lowly creature. Till this day I am still so emotional any time I talk about this event.
I had a four- houred long surgery on one Friday. On the subsequent Sunday, I went to Mass as usual but alone that day as one of our little ones was sick. My wife suggested that I should go to seven o'clock Mass instead of the usual eleven o'clock one. She did not want anybody speculating that I might have a vasectomy by the way I walked. Her suggestion hurt me dearly and I cried out inside: " Lord, You forgave me. Why could others still be ashamed of what I did after what I went through?" I went to church at eleven o'clock anyway with our two children. As soon as I crossed the church entrance, one of the greeters approached and greeted me: " Good morning, Mr. K...Would you mind to bring the offerings to the altar today? " Nobody ever asked me to bring up the offerings before. Afterwards I could only nodded my head without saying a word for my eyes were filled with tears and my heart with consolation.
For two years we tried to have another child but I personally did not want
to have any more children. Two years my wife had lived in agony. Finally,
she was pregnant, however, she had a miscarriage one month after. What
an agony did she endure!! Seeing her sufferings, I began to desire having
another baby myself. One night before being together, I knelt by our bed
and prayed: " Lord, please give us a child, and I will offer him up to
you." That night our third son was conceived.
About two years ago as our fifth baby was born, I happened to view a video on Nostradamus's life and his vision from a local super-market. I became fascinated about the man and his prophecies. I went to the local library borrowing several books on this subject but I became very disappointed as all of them portrayed Nostradamus as someone very occultic or as a foretune teller. And their interpretations sometimes appeared very anti-Christian, and the majority of their writings did not make any sense. I returned those books and decided to drop the subject. In March of the same year, I was fired from the teaching post as a CCD Sunday teacher who prepared the second graders to receive the Lord's Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist for the first time because I went against the assigned text-book which referred the Holy Eucharist as merely the holy bread and wine and which introduced the Blessed Sacrament to the children by telling them about eating peanut-butter sandwiches!! Needless to say, I was very much distressed about being fired during the middle of the preparation as I felt abandoning my own kids to a stranger and after seeing many fruits of my labor in my students and their families.
Having more time for myself, I decided to study Nostradamus's prophecies again. This time I decided to study the original French text with the aids of a few dictionaries. This time the whole future of mankind beginning with the end of this century seemed to be unrolled slowly in my mind as I understood most the prophecies which concerned our present world and societies including many wars and natural calamities. Afterwards, I was bothered much as I did not know if I should believe in my own understanding on this subject or not, especially after being warned by several pious Catholic friends that I should not read about Nostradamus's heretical and controversial work. I felt like committing a sin by reading the ancient prophecies. I then decided to look for any scriptural confirmations on this matter and to my own surprise, I found so many parallel prophecies in the Book of Daniel and the Apocalypse. Later I was warned by another good Catholic friend not to read the prophecies of Nostradamus. Even my own family thought that I was obsessed with something which I should not read. Being so confused and miserable, one night I knelt in front of the Blessed Sacrament in earnest prayers asking the Lord to give me a confirmation if this was truly the work that He assigned me to do. Coming home from church that night, I decided to finish couple quatrains before going to bed. The first quatrain that I read that night was rewritten here as follows:
Pope Pius XI (1922-1939), Pope Pius XII
(1939-1958), John XXIII (1958-1963), Paul VI (1963-1978), John Paul I (1978),
and John Paul II (1978- now).
I approached many publishers but no one was interested in publishing my work. One day my wife suggested me to get the Internet for our family. And one thing led to another, I began threading all the technical nightmares or adventures about PC which I knew little about,creating a web page, launching, and how to get on top of the various search lists within less than one month. Due to various circumstances, I really believed Blessed Mother helped me all along. To give you one example, one day I tried about seven times to download a ftp program from a remote site to upload my web page on the Web only to get so frustrated as for all seven times, the downloading crashed out on me when it was about to be completed! I prayed to Blessed Mother the last time, asked her for help, and dedicated this work to her if she helped me to download this essential tool of publishing on the web. That was one of many reasons why I dedicated my work to the Mother of my Lord.
Up to now, it becomes obvious to the readers that I am not much of a writer
and much less a biblical scholar. The results of my study were not written
in any formal format of a serious literature. Only time will tell whether
they are consisted of my own interpretations or they truly are the knowledges
given to me from above. Indeed, I always have a keen interest in many ancient
prophecies and Marian apparitions. However, I do questions many modern
visionaries or supposedly apparitionary messages from individuals. Thus
far I believe strongly that the ancient prophecies from Daniel and Nostradamus
are being fulfilled and that we do not have much time for repentance or
asking the Lord to mitigate His Just Judgment on us, the sinful mankind!
There is not much time left for repentance and it will become more and more difficult in doing so as the Chastisement of the Lord is near at hand while the Devil is hard at work! Therefore, there is no time for discussion, no time for theological chats which Satan is not afraid of and unconcerned with. There is only time for earnest prayers begging for God's Mercy. That is also one of many reasons why I do not leave my email address with you. I apologize for any inconvenience I might cause you. The message is all you need to know, not so much the messenger.
Do not worry about how to change the world or even our spouses. Our main concern now should be how to change ourselves only. One faithful Christian can bring God's Grace to the whole parish, many parishes to the whole town, many towns to the whole country, many countries to the whole world. God did not destroy the Old Isrealites thanks to Moses's pleading alone.
First, stop tearing the little children of God apart physically through abortions, and emotionally with divorces. According the Holy Gospel, God hates divorce and I believe that abortion is the gravest grievance that we can commit and God hears all the cries of the little ones which reach high to the Heavenly Throne!!! I believe the World War III is about to be metered out to us only because of the killing of the unborns! Stop hatred, adultery, sexual promiscuity, sodomy, and so on. Pray and fast much more especially the Holy Rosary. God had designed that this sinful and haughty generation of ours had to go through His Mother to implore for His Mercy. Pray for the whole Church, the holy Father, our beloved priests who are much influenced by secular glamour or pressure, and for the conversion of sinners. Revere the Holy Mass, receive the Lord in the Holy Eucharist with love, faith, and contrite heart. Propagate love by first loving our own family and then by being charitable and forgiving our neighbors outside of our home. Put our children first, our spouse second, and ourselves last. Children are the gifts from God, the source of joy and happiness (not always though!) but not the burdens. Teenagers are our own blood, not headaches. Do not blame for the way they turn out as they are merely the mirror of ourselves and the consequence of our parenting sacrifice or lack thereof. Do not use work as the cowardly excuse to elude our responsibility as the parent and as the spouse and as the head of our family! Stop offending God by profaning His Holy Day with shopping, sport, and unecessary physical work. Stop calling His Name in vain. Stop murdering or take your life in your own hands. Be open to life in all forms and speak up against abortion, not being silent as a bystander. With love, the world can be changed, Satan can be defeated, and World War can be perverted or shortened. The Ninevah of old was spared from the Divine Wrath at the last moment thanks to the repentance of the whole kingdom starting with their king who wore sackclothes, sat on ashes, fasted, and prayed for God's Mercy. Our modern Ninevah is causing the Lord much more bleeding and grievances. Our reparations therefore shall be much more demanded.
Pray and repent, and hope that the Lord our God shall lessen His Chastisements and shall not abandon us.
May the Lord bless you.