Nostradamus prophesied that the World War III
would occur at the end of this century between the Eastern Alliance, which
include Russia, Iran-led Muslim countries, and Western Alliance or NATO.
Nostradamus prophesies that the World War III shall be initiated with the
limited use of nuclear warheads and more widespread use of missiles carrying
chemical warheads. Russia and Iran shall start the World War III with Iran
blocking the Persian Gulf, firing a nuclear missile to completely annihilate
Geneva , the financial center of the world. This one-two punches shall
cause the world-wide stock markets to crash overnight and the European
economy to collapse. Nostradamus prophesies that Russia shall invade the
new members of NATO such as Poland to attack the northern front of Europe.
Iran, Russia, and Albania shall attack Italy from Turkey which shall be
devastated by the civil war with the Islamic extremists, the Kurdish rebels,
and also by the Iranian military intervention. Nostradamus prophesies that
Russian fleets shall attack the northern European countries such as England,
Denmark, and Norway, shall destroy London probably by a single nuclear
missile. The Eastern Alliance realizes that they cannot match with NATO's
more superior conventional weapons but they can gain a great advantage
and negate such imbalance in military might at the onset of the war by
inflicting NATO with their weapons of mass destruction. Doing so they shall
hold the Western countries including USA hostage , preventing the latter
from any air strikes as the Eastern countries shall threaten NATO about
further missile bombardment of mass destruction if NATO ever plan to launch
any air strike. Besides, their missiles shall be launched from the mobile
carriers, both on land and sea. Furthermore, Nostradamus also prophesies
that the Muslim countries such as Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya shall join
force to attack Spain and Italy along with their Muslim extremist insurgents
in Europe who are now in place and ready to receive instructions. Italy
and Spain shall fall into the hands of the Eastern forces quickly and shall
become their new allies. The naval fleets of the Eastern Alliance shall
surprisingly destroy more modern English and French fleets by ambushing
them with much smaller but more mobile vessels under bad weathers while
the American fleet is no where in sight due to the indecision, the internal
bickering politics, and the lack of resources due to many years of budget
restraints upon defense spending. England and Marseilles without their
fleet protections shall become vulnerable to the Eastern invasions. Nostradamus
prophesies that the Eastern forces shall invade France from Marcedonia
of Spain and shall land on the shore of Marseilles. They shall kill, injure,
and dislocate close to one million of southern French population. They
shall brutalize Christians, Jews, clergy, both men and women. They shall
strip all possessions and destroy every thing in sight. From the Italian
mountains, the Eastern Alliance shall bombard such major cities as Vienna
and Lyon with chemical missiles. Only one thirds of the population shall
survive but shall linger in great agony. The Western armies shall be in
disarray and shell-shock after witnessing those unprecedented brutalities,
great civil casualties upon themselves and their families, and physical
devastation's caused by the first wave of the assault. Besides, the Western
troops are becoming more and more complacent and overconfident, but fearful
due to their high standards of modern living while the Eastern troops are
poor, hungry, fueled by a deep hatred for the West, or motivated with their
fear, anger, and humiliation over the issue of NATO expansion. Thus Russian
and Muslim troops shall attack Western Europe from the north, the East,
the south, and the west. Muslim troops led by Iran shall advance as far
as the southern Germany.
The readers might wonder why the American troops
are not mentioned. Nostradamus did not clearly indicate the reason for
USA's absence at the beginning of the World War III but he did prophesy
that the "Capitol" would disfavor a powerful leader even though he still
commanded the approval of the majority of the population. Nostradamus prophesies
that while the " eagle in mourning ", which might mean that while the US
politics is in a chaotic transition with a new inexperienced leader and
the nation is in shambles without leadership, the Eastern Alliance shall
attack on July Fourth of 1999, "the feast of the Eagle"! Furthermore, USA
shall be devastated with many floods, rainfalls, and late frosts, or other
natural disasters while Europe shall be burned with high heat and severe
droughts, probably in 1997, 1998, and 1999.
There are so many other details which are not
discussed here concerning the World War III, the Catholic Church, Pope
John Paul II and his martyrdom, etc. The readers are encouraged to visit
my official homepage to review Prophecies of Nostradamus
in its entirety, both in the original French text and in the modern English
translation ( With my notes, the readers should be able to translate the
Prophecies of Nostradamus themselves ). The readers can also review my
interpretations on Prophecies of Daniel which
is proved to be the Scriptural confirmation of Nostradamus Prophecies.
It also reveals the Antichrist in great details. You are also encouraged
to visit my site on my interpretation on the Book
of Revelation.
(These are
my own predictions only, not prophecies, therefore, they undoubtedly can
be inaccurate.)
1. Iran and Iraq shall assist the Kurdish rebels
to counter-attack the Turkish troops which shall eventually suffer great
casualties and withdraw from the Iraqi soil. Taking advantage of the circumstances,
Iran shall invade Turkey to assist the Islamic fundamentalists to gain
control of the country. Thus Turkey shall be greatly devastated. The world
shall condemn Iranian military aggression to no effect.
2.Russia, Iran, and other Muslim countries
shall become more alienated at the West, especially at USA due to different
reasons. Being left without any choice, they shall form a more solid Alliance
which shall serve as the force of destruction onto the West. Do not listen
to the reconciliatory rhetoric's of the Eastern leaders such as Yelsin
or the newly elected president of Iran, but just observe what they are
preparing. After being humiliated and pushed around by the Clinton administration,
Russia is now squeezing every penny they have in upgrading their military
and their new Defense Minister just happens to be the one who strongly
believes in winning the next world war with nuclear weapons!! On the other
hand, Iran is preparing for wars by building three nuclear plants which
are probably not being used to produce another source of energy, and build
a chemical plant which can be used for producing chemical weapons, and
purchase tanks, anti-aircraft missiles, anti-shipped missiles, and speedy
vessels which can be handy in intercepting much larger ships or carriers,
and which can be converted into mobile platforms for launching tactical
nuclear and chemical weapons around the Mediterranean Sea.
3. USA shall be devastated with the natural
disasters especially prolonged rains and many floods. Americans shall be
more occupied with the Whitewater, Democratic Fund-raising scandals, and
Jones's sexual harassment law-suit. More evidences shall be revealed but
President Clinton shall fight till the very end. The fierce battle to dethrone
him by Congress shall bring the nation to great shamble and disarray, without
any real leadership for the country. This unstable situation shall entice
the Eastern Alliance to be more aggressive and the world economy more nervous
which eventually shall crash overnight after Iran blocks the Gulf. This
time the economical disaster shall be much worse than 1929 as US economy
is now running mostly on credits and debts. USA shall be reluctant in assisting
their NATO allies such as Poland and Turkey after seeing the devastation's
caused by nuclear and chemical warheads. Besides, just the threat from
Russian brass in launching long-ranged nuclear missiles to American cities
such as New York, Chicago, or Washington DC, shall defuse any American
attempt to air strike the East or launching our own missiles in retaliation.
Thus the Eastern Alliance shall keep US at bay while engulfing our allies
3. The European countries shall try to negotiate
with Iran to salvage their economy while bickering among themselves on
the water supply and financial matters. French political scenario shall
be a picture of chaos with farmers from the south who shall demonstrate
against a broader governmental control. The European economy shall be paralyzed
with civil unrest's, strikes, and demonstrations.
4. China shall not become involved in the world-wide
conflict until the very end at around 2025 AD when every party shall become
exhausted and the Eastern Alliance is on retreat from Western Europe. They
shall deliver the final blow to Russians and shall conquer Southeast Asia.
USA shall be obliged to halt the Chinese aggression but shall pay a high
price. Chinese at that time shall have capabilities to strike US West coast
with long-ranged nuclear and chemical missiles of more than 5000 mile range.
Many of you shall think of my interpretations
and analysis as being far-fetched but one shall recognize that the ancient
prophecies are being fulfilled now if one observes closely the recent arena
of the world politics. God's Chastisement shall be metered out upon us
for our transgressions, especially the killing of the unborn. What do you
think we deserve for killing 1.5 millions unborn babies per year in USA
alone? One of my friends told me that he wished my predictions would turn
out wrong. I told him that if I was wrong, my children and my grand children
shall have very little chance to be saved as all of us shall be lost forever,
based on the fact that the liberal and evil forces are trying harder than
ever to control our lives, society, and government, and to capture our
souls and the souls of our children and grandchildren. The Lord chastises
the the ones He loves. It is rather losing one's life than one's soul.
Stop the slaughtering the unborn, defend the
most vulnerable of your brothers. Put God and your family first in your
lives. Place God back into our society, school, workplace, and our government.
Pray much for God's Mercy and Forgiveness. Repent for our sins especially
abortion and sin of flesh. For Catholics, be obedient in following the
Teaching of the Church by being obedient to the Holy Pontiff. Revere the
Holy Mass and receive the Lord in the Holy Eucharist with love and contrite
heart. Christians should be courageous and speak out on the controversial
issues such as divorce, adultery, abortion, homosexuality, and so on. Only
talking about love and forgiveness in general (to be politically correct
at the present time) is taking a easy and cowardly way out. It is not a
good excuse using the reason of the separation of the Church and State
for not speaking up in favoring the unborn as these issues are not
politic but moral and spiritual. Silent Christians are doing the Lord a
disservice by remaining silent on the moral issues.
Do not try to alter our destiny by maneuvering
on the playing field of the world politics as men shall not succeed in
outwitting their Creator but only with the contrite hearts and prayers
that we can implore for God's Mercy and Forgiveness in order to lessen
the punishments that we all deserve.
Please click the following links to visit
Prophecies of Nostradamus
Prophecies of Daniel
Book of Revelation
Catholic Devotion,
the preparation for the coming Chastisement
and The background
of my works.
The Lord Judge will say to some of
us at the End:
" Away from Me, you cursed, as I do
not know you!
Where were you while they killed the
least of My brethren"
( Based on Matthew 26: 31-46)
( We can pray for the unborn, speak
out against abortion, educate our teenagers, attend pro-life rally, support
pro-life organizations, write to Congress and editorial letters,
and vote for pro-life candidates.)