Saint John Bosco was an Italian priest who dedicated his life to educate boys, to lead young men to a good Christian life, to teach them virtues and trades. He was a miracle worker, healer, tireless worker and spiritual father to poor boys. The saint is the founder of Salesian Order who died in 1888. Through out his life, he had many profound mystical dreams which helped to direct his steps and some also gave prophetic meanings to the future or our century.
In this page, we will look at St. Bosco 's prophetic dreams and attempt
to interpret their meanings.
The first dream we discuss occurred in 1862:
"The vast expanse
of water is covered with a formidable array of ships in
battle formation,
prows fitted with sharp, spear-like beaks capable of breaking
through any defense.
All are heavily armed with cannons, incendiary bombs,
and firearms of all
sorts - even books - and are heading towards one stately
ship, mightier than
them all. As they close in, they try to ram it, set it afire, and
cripple it as much
as possible.
"This stately vessel
is shielded by a flotilla escort. Winds and waves are with
the enemy. In the
midst of this endless sea, two solid columns, a short distance
apart, soar high
into the sky: one is surmounted by a statue of the
Virgin at
whose feet a large inscription reads: Help
of Christians; the other, far
loftier and sturdier,
supports a Host
of proportionate size and beneath it bears
the inscription:
Salvation of believers.
"Standing at the helm,
the Pope strains every muscle to steer his ship between
the two columns from
whose summits hang many anchors and strong hooks
linked to chains.
"The entire enemy
fleet closes in to intercept and sink the flagship at all costs.
They bombard it with
everything they have: books and pamphlets, incendiary
bombs, firearms,
cannons. At times a formidable ram splinters a gaping hole
into the hull, but,
immediately, a breeze from the two columns instantly seals
the gash.
"Suddenly the Pope
falls, seriously wounded. He is instantly helped up but,
struck down a second
time, dies. A shout of victory rises from the enemy and
wild rejoicing sweeps
their ships. But no sooner is the Pope dead than another
takes his place.
The captains of the auxiliary ships elected him so quickly that
the news of the Pope's
death coincides with that of his successor's election.
The enemy's self-assurance
"Breaking through
all resistance, the new Pope steers his ship safely between
the two columns and
moors it to the two columns; first, to the one surmounted
by the Host, and
then to the other, topped by the statue of the Virgin. At this
point, something
unexpected happens. The enemy ships panic
and disperse,
colliding with and
scuttling each other."
( from Dreams, Visions
& Prophecies of Don Bosco, Rev. Eugene Brown )
My interpretation:
The only Pope who was seriously wounded since St. Bosco died
is Pope John Paul II. He will be struck down the second time and die. As
we can observe now, our beloved Pope John Paul is basically single-handedly
uphold the Tradition and Teaching of the Church against the evil forces
of the pagan world and his own internal heretical enemies. Regardless of
the formidable adversaries, our Crucified Lord Who manifests His
Salvation Grace through the Holy Eucharist and His Beloved Mother
Mary who intercedes unceasingly before the Throne of God for us will protect
the Church and the remnants of their true children.
The successor of Pope John Paul II will be the pope who was described
as " the Glory of Olive" by St. Malachy. This pope will rebuild the Church
during the golden period of peace which will succeed the Divine Chastisements
inflicting the Church and the whole world. This pope will be a Frenchman,
a spiritual leader of the entire world, who will grant a papal support
to his fellow Frenchman, King Henry, who shall be the Roman Christian Emperor,
the leader of the whole world during the Golden Period of Peace.
Before the saint died, he had a vision in which he witnessed two major victories brought about with the maternal help from Our Lady through the Holy Rosary. Saint Bosco saw an angel holding a scroll with the word Lepanto and 1571. Another angel held up a scroll with the date of 19 __. St. John Bosco was so impressed with this dream that he had it sculpted and placed in his church.
My interpretation:
During his papacy (1566-1572), Pope Saint Pius V had a great responsibility of rebuilding the Church which was devastated by the internal corruption, the Protestant Reformation, and by the constant threat from Turkish invasion. The reform ground-work was laid out by the great Council of Trent. At the end of his life this saintly pope organized a fleet which eventually won the decisive maritime battle against the Turks in the gulf of Lepanto in October of 1571. The Pope attributed this victory to Blessed Mother and the Holy Rosary. This great victory reflected the great renewal of the Church as during the reign of this saintly Pontiff, many seminaries were formed providing priests with proper training. He also published a new Missal, breviary, Catechism, and CCD classes for the young.
A similar triumph of the Immaculate Heart and a great renewal of the Church shall begin at the end of this century and the next and shall once more be realized by the Intercession of Our Lady through many Rosaries collectively prayed and offered to God by her faithful children who still love God and still follow the Teaching and Tradition of the Church in their daily living.
During World War III, Western armies and later Christian armies shall be dominated and continue suffer one defeat after another for about twenty years, and unexpectedly the tide of the battles shall turn and favor the Christian armies of God. This change shall be so dramatic and unexpected that no one will doubt the Hand of God in it. Just like Lepanto of 1571, another manifestation of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart shall be fulfilled through the means of the Holy Rosary.
The final victory against the enemies has been prophesied as a certainty as Our Lady had said at Fatima in 1917:
"...In the end my Immaculate Heart shall
triumph. The Holy Father will
consecrate Russia to me which will be converted,
and some time of peace will
be given to the world."
It is worthy to note that both of the major periods of reform of the Church, one beginning in the 16th century and one in the 20th century, are brought about by the Intercession of the Mother of God.
The other less well-known prophetic dreams given to St. Bosco was described as follows:
"There shall yet come a violent hurricane.
Iniquity is at an end, sin
shall cease, and before two full moons
shall have shone in the month of
flowers, the rainbow of peace shall
appear on earth ... Throughout the
world a sun so bright shall shine as
never seen since the flames of the
Cenacle until today, nor shall it be
seen again until the end of time..."
"It was a dark night, and men could
no longer find their way back to their
countries. Suddenly a most brilliant
light shone in the sky, illuminating
their way as at high noon. At that moment
from the Vatican came forth, as
in procession, a multitude of men and
women, young children, monks, nuns,
and priests, and at the head was the
"But a furious storm then broke out,
somewhat dimming that light, as if
light and darkness were locked in battle
"The ranks of the procession thinned
considerably. After a two-hundred-day
march, all realized that they were no
longer in Rome. In dismay they
swarmed about the Pontiff to protect
him and minister to him in his needs.
"At that moment two angels appeared,
bearing a banner which they presented
to the Supreme Pontiff, saying: "Take
the banner of her who battles and
routs the most powerful armies on earth.
Your enemies have vanished; with
tears and sighs your children plead
for your return."
"One side of the banner bore the inscription:
'Queen conceived without
sin' and the other side read: 'Help
of Christians.'
"The Pontiff accepted the banner gladly,
but he became very distressed to
see how few were his followers.
"But the two angels went on: 'Go now,
comfort your children. Write to your
brothers scattered throughout the world
that men must reform their lives.
This cannot be achieved unless the bread
of the Divine Word is broken
among the peoples. Teach children their
catechism and preach detachment
from earthly things. The time has come,'
the two angels concluded, 'when
the poor will evangelize the world.
Priests shall be sought among those
who wield the hoe, the spade, and the
hammer, as David prophesied: 'He
raises up the lowly from the dust; from
the dunghill he lifts up the poor.
To seat them with princes, with the
princes of his own people' (Ps
"On hearing this, the Pontiff moved on, and the ranks began to swell.
Upon reaching the Holy City, the Pontiff
wept at the sight of its desolate
citizens, for many of them were no longer.
He then entered Saint Peter's
and intoned the Te Deum, to which a
chorus of angels responded, singing:
'Glory to God in the highest, and peace
on earth to men of good will.'
"When the song was over, all darkness vanished and a blazing sun shone...
"From the start of the exile until the
intoning of the Te Deum, the sun
rose two hundred times. All the events
described covered a period of four
hundred days."
My interpretation:
In the evil world full of sins and iniquities, God gave us the illuminating light from Heaven through the Shepherd of the Church, Pope John Paul II, whose teaching, numerous pastoral letters, encyclicals, traveling, and tiredless evangelization through out the whole world have instilled the love of God and the Gospel into the hearts of the dwindling number of the true catholics. Unfortunately, his lambs and sheep shall be scattered as soon as he flees from Rome upon the eve of the invasion from Muslim aggressors. Rome shall be devastated. The Holy Pontiff(s) succeeding Pope John Paul II shall be in exile for a duration equal to the reign of his predecessor. The true Church shall have no permanent home as the Sanctuary of the Lord will reside only in the hearts and the souls of a small number of the faithful who still follow the Divine Truth - the Teaching and Tradition of the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church. The true Church shall go underground through out twenty or thirty years while the earth will be scorched with wars and natural disasters.
Russian and Muslim aggressors shall be used as the instrument of the Divine chastisement which shall inflict true Justice upon this sinful world for the crimes they commit in killing God's unborn children. They shall be used also as the Divine instrument in bringing an end to iniquities and blasphemies from the Western or modern societies which no longer recognize God, lose their conscience, and no longer respect the value of human life. At the end, the purification shall be total, complete, and universal. Sadly, about two-thirds of mankind shall perish as all Godless unrepentant nations shall be destroyed.
After the World War or after the purification upon this sinful world, God shall grant men a period of peace in which the Church shall become more glorious than ever as the whole world shall become Catholic, obedient to one Church, one Shepherd.
The Blessed Virgin shall be enthroned officially as the Mother of mankind, the Queen of Heaven and earth, the Lady of All Nations as through her intercession, God shall restore the Church to her pristine and innocent state comparable to the early Christian Church two thousands years ago.
The new leaders, new priests shall come from the remnants of the underground Church. They shall come from poor Catholic families who love God and one another, who shall be accustomed to hard work, shall be completely open to life, and shall disdain the worldly knowledge. Many God's future laborers shall come from Africa, a poor continent but rich in Faith.
During his 1995 African Synod, the Holy Father address the African Catholics with his Apostolic Exhortation , Ecclesia in Africa, which was full of prophetic insights: " Today you are the hope of this 2,000-year-old Church of ours. Being young in faith, you must be like the first Chrisitans and radiate enthusiasm and courage. In a word, you must set yourselves on the path of holiness. Only thus can you be a sign of God in the world and relive in your own countries the missionary epic of the early Church. You will also be a leaven of missionary spirit for the older Churches. "
On the other hand, the children of selfish families of the modern
Western world consisted of the parents with one or two children shall never
want to serve God as a priest or religious.