Temples sacrez prime façon Romaine,
Reietteront les goffes fondemens,
Prenant leurs loix premieres & humaines
Chassant, non tout, des saints les cultemens.
Temples consecrated in the early Roman rituals
They shall reject the shaky foundation
Applying the first humanistic laws
They shall eliminate most the veneration of the saints.
The decay of the ( Catholic ) Church takes place for good when the Holy
Mass is turned into the paganistic rituals, when the Teaching and Tradition
of the Church including the veneration of the saints is abandoned, replaced
with the humanistic precepts.
Un qui les dieux d'Annibal infernaux
Fera renaistre effrayeur des humains
Oncq plus d'horreur, ne plus pire journaux
Qu'aduint viendra par Babel aux Romains.
One shall cause the infernal gods of Annibal
To be reborn to terrorize mankind
There was never more horror, ever journals recorded
It shall happen because of the Babel
by the Romans.
The ancient Annibal once attacked Rome. WW III will happen with Rome
and Paris being completely destroyed. It will happen because of the sins
of mankind plus the loss of faith which started with many heretical modern
reforms starting with the new Mass celebrated in different languages (
Babel ) by the clergy (Romans.) Those heretical reforms abusing the spirit
of Vatican II. They have desecrated the divine Liturgy, leading to the
decay of the Faith. Lukewarmness, and consequently, the sinfulness of mankind
in general.
Nice sortie sur nom des lettres aspres,
La grande cappe fera present non sien :
Proche de vultry aux murs de vertes capres
Apres plombim le vent à bon essien.
Coming out with the bitter letters the surname of Nice
The great cap shall present what is not his
Near Vultry by the walls of green capers
After the Plombin the wind shall be in good earnest.
Vatican II Council was hailed as extraordinary as the first-ever,
the Nicean Council in 325 AD. The Pope gave to the Church the document
full of reforms which were drafted by others, not himself, and they were
non-Catholic or the outsiders. After the “Plombin or lead” meaning “after
the burden of wickedness is casted away,” (Zach5: 7-8) the Holy Spirit
(the wind) shall start an earnest reform of the Church.