...Love will conquer the world.
Do not worry about your imperfections. I have taken them on Myself. Each day I efface them with My Blood...
To give Me ( The Holy Eucharist ) to a hardened sinner is a sacrilege. I have given My children the freedom to choose between good and evil. One act of repentance is the gate through which I hasten to the wounded soul of the sinner. Have I not shed My Blood for all?
I will give My knowledge to the little and the humble. I give you the marvels of Heaven to contemplate. Your love is more necessary, believe Me, than excess of activity, which sometimes displease Me, although the intention may be good and praiseworthy in itself. Do not seek for anything except what I wish to give you. Love Me and I will give you more and more love.
Confidence produces love and love produces holiness. Love is made up of renunciation and sacrifice. He who loves Me belongs to himself no longer, for he is given up entirely to love.
My child, may your heart filled with joy, with the desire of the riches of Heaven. Turn your thoughts away from the things of this world. Raise your mind to Me, your Lord and God. Seek Me in all things... Take care not to attach yourself to anything else ... I want you to be entirely at the service of others, as far as I inspire you.
The way of love is quite straight, quite simple. It goes straight towards its aim: Myself. I, your God, am awaiting you at the end of the way with outstretched arms... If I correct you, it is for your good, ... know that humility is a virtue which I particularly value.
My child, holiness does not consist in being, but in accepting not to be. I alone sanctify and without Me all effort is in vain. I go and I come. I give and I take away. I raise up and I humiliate. Humiliations are necessary. I exalt and I abase. The soul is annihilated under My blows and it is then that I persuade it to enter upon the road of holiness, and I will take possession of all the powers of its being... According to your desire, I will increase in your soul the capacity to suffer for love of Me. You must be as faithful to prayer as you can be. On your fidelity depends the fate of other souls. I will spread bitterness on all joy coming from the world. I am for ever your joy and your peace.
I knew you and you were in My heart. Then it was that I begot you in the bloody Sacrifice of the Cross.
Be clam, level-headed, thoughtful. Your soul must be continually watchful.
All, except the riches of Heaven, is nothing, all is vanity.
Love covers you with its shadow and produces a new humanity in your soul.
The Church is going through a grave crisis. Have My priests become unbelievers? Faith pure and simple no longer suffices them. A great upheaval has taken place in the midst of the Church. Regrettable excesses are the result. To pray is necessary: to pray without ceasing. Order must be re-established.
What I want of you is the total gift of yourself. You must cooperate in the work for the sanctification of souls. You must forget the selfish and self-centered "me" which still dwell in you. You must sacrifice yourself to this work. You must listen to the voices of millions of people in distress in the world, and then only will you love Me with that love you desire so much and which the saints have known.
How can you practice mortification and penance? By a just measure adapted to your environment.
Do not seek to know what tomorrow will be. Be faithful to grace and abandon yourself unreservedly. Pray, pray incessantly for all your brothers. Be gentle and humble of heart.
Holiness exists in all states of life. Ask for it and it will be granted to you. I never refuse My help to those who ask Me with humility. Before speaking, learn to listen and reflect.
You do not tell me enough that you love Me. I have such need of love.
Only the love of the little souls holds Me back. They (His adversaries) put salt in My wounds.
My child, you love Me with your humanity, certainly. But this love, it is I, and it effaces all your imperfections.
All come from Me and ... I am scorned, scoffed at, forgotten.
Do not seek to know, do not seek to understand; love, that is what your God asks of you.
Prove your love (to God) by acts of submission, of abandonment, offering and thanksgiving.
You must pass by death to find life. Love death, since by it you will find eternal happiness.
When you suffer too much, come to My Heart.
Unite yourself to Me in spirit, in words, and in actions.
The knowledge of your lowliness attracts My mercy, which hastens to cover it.
Give yourself to others without reserve.
Everything should be done in love. If I ceased to love, I should cease to be God.
Practice humility, My child. It is a virtue which particularly dear to Me. Do not exalt yourself. The little attentions you pay Me are balm to My wounds.
Let each moment of your life be a continually renewed offering to My divine love. believe, adore, and hope.
... love Me much, forget your sufferings. You know that when you are hurt, I am hurt before you are.
Banish all anxiety from your heart. Have confidence in Me. Look at Me. Would My Sacrifice have been in vain? No. Fear nothing. I did not come for the just. ... Throw yourself into the arms of my holy and glorious Mother. It is there you will find Me.
Maintain contact (to your God) by ardent aspirations of love. Give unreservedly.
Who does penance? Each one believes himself sinless and superior to others. Very few pray for their spiritual advancement and for preservation from evil. ... The sense of the divine is being lost. Exaggerated modernism is destroying even the life of grace in many souls.
Obey the inspiration of the moment and do not worry about anything. Be attentive to My Voice in the silence of your heart.
My law is sweet and easy to support for those who love Me.... Have not roses their thorns?
Be at the disposition of everyone ...Take on yourself the care of others.
My poor child, if you do not possess joy in yourself, act as if it were there. If you feel impatient, make contrary acts... Take My hand and let Me lead you.
I is when I seem far off that I am near, and that I am teaching you. I will fill void in your heart.
You should make your personal problems take second place, make use of everything, good and bad, remembering the one and forgetting the other.
Draw upon My riches. Do not fear importuning Me. Ask for yourself, for others. I am rich, very rich.
Sin causes the loss of man. Love saves him. Love is the road to Heaven. pardon has the power to attract gratitude. Gratitude attracts love. Love obtains everything from Me.
Fervor is the first link that binds the soul to love. At times fervor may disappear but the link remains firm and nothing, except sin, has the power to break this bond.
My child. Why is not your first glance (at church) for Me?
I am thirsty. Give Me to drink. Nothing is lost: a single sigh to Me bears fruit. Look toward Heaven, your heart is no longer on earth ... My dear little souls, how greatly you console Me for the ingratitude of others ...I want all to perceive in you the perfume of My love.
(At Holy Communion) Offer your Communion for that soul. It needs it.
If you speak of goodness, tenderness, renunciation, gentleness, etc., you will be answered by mockery. Speak of scandalous gossip and you will find an impassioned and attentive audience.
If you wish to belong entirely to Love (the Lord), you must renounce everything which could bring you excessive earthly joy.
I wish no other state for you than that in which I have placed you. One sanctifies oneself everywhere,...
He who possesses love possesses Heaven.
Be faithful each day to the rendezvous of prayer.
Love does not bring only joy. It is especially in suffering that love lives most.
Hope is the nourishment of the poor.
Souls are transformed by the impulse of My Spirit. Taste how good and merciful is your God. Let your sweetness and amiability reveal Me to all.
The smaller you are, the more you will know the joy of loving, of giving and forgetting yourself.
Doubt kills love. It hurts Me very much when some one know his misery and grieves over it. But ot love it and put all one's trust in Me is a state of perfection which especially attracts Me.
Vanity reigns the world. It has taken possession of the heart of My children, ... what will remain of all that they covet? After their death, what bitter regrets they will have. Alas, it will be too late. And I love them passionately. What sadness!
Your maxim for today: accept this day's little annoyances with a smile.
Look at your neighbor with the eyes of your god. See in him only the good residing in every soul.
Your maxim for today: be sparing with words, rich in love. Love will dictate your conduct.
Mortification is the salt of devotion. Without this condiment, devotion will become insipid and tasteless.
Let every moment of your existence pass in praising, glorifying and serving your God. Offer your little sacrifices to Love without calculation. This time is given you to use for your sanctification.
When two people love each other in My sight there flows between them a constant exchange and abundance of spiritual riches.
Suffering has no hold on love. The more one suffers, the more one loves. The more one loves, the more one suffers. Suffering and love are one.
Sanctify your brothers in loving the Lord your God with all your heart.
The more you give Me, the more I will give you. My liberality will be proportion to your gifts. ... Do not forget that nothing is lost. Everything counts, even a smile.
Serve others. From Me you will receive the recompense, for I shall be your debtor.
I do not wish for your sanctification only, but for that of all souls. It is for all men that I gave My life. It is for all that I shed My Blood.
Oh, that crown of
thorns that surrounded My entire head, those fiery points which entered
into My flesh. And the blood which blinded Me. And My body stripped in
front of the jeering, howling mob.
Hatred buffeted
Me. The rods came down on Me brutally and at each blow carried away strips
of flesh. I bore My torture without complaint. I had only one thought:
I was saving My little ones. For that only had I come. Had I not awaited
this moment with impatience? To redeem you all. My little ones. With what
delight I gave My life for you. Yet I knew that for many among you My Sacrifice
would be in vain. They threw a coarse and rumpled cloak over My shoulders,
bruised from their blows. I endured their mockery and their insults. They
spat on Me. I was impassible, although I suffered terribly. It was you
whom I saw, My redeemed ones. That beam weighed so heavily on My bruised
shoulder. Oh, that wound on My shoulder! Exhausted in My Heart and in My
flesh. My children! How dearly you cost Me! The soldiers, the shouting
of the crowd. My falls, the meeting with My sweet Mother. Painful,
so painful! To see Me in this state was for her a crucifixion in anticipation.
At this moment we were united in the most terrible suffering possible.
I arrived at the place of My torment utterly exhausted. They tore off the
garment that covered Me and which was welded to My flesh by the dried blood
which had streamed from My wounds. The crucifixion, who would ever know
what it was? The quivering flesh delivered over to a furious rabble. Even
to those terrible flies alighting on My naked and tortured body and feeding
on My blood. A dreadful spectacle: I had become a repulsive object. And
yet, My beloved little child, it was nothing in comparison with the sufferings
of My soul. I had taken upon Myself all your sins and the burden of them
was agonizing to My soul. Abandoned by all, betrayed, detested, ridiculed,
mocked, alone. My Father Himself seemed to have abandoned Me. And in My
broken Heart there was so much tenderness, so much pity for My tormentors.
I could not be angry with them. It was for you all, My dear ones.
That you may always be ready to give what Love exacts of you.
Your neighbor's reputation should be sacred in your eyes. Never repeat calumnies nor slanders. You do not know My plans for other people. Only deplore the sin which keeps them under its yoke.
Have a very great respect for everything that lives for I am the Creator of all things.
I give you My life. You give Me your life. I give you hope. You give Me your confidence. I give you the riches of Heaven. You give Me your weakness.
What I have asked of all My saints is a life of renunciation.... Look at Me on that cross. ..See Me in everything.
During their lifetime I will never cease to pursue them with My love. If they refuse to hear Me, I shall be unable to do anything more for them after their death. And then My justice will have to be accomplished.
Everything is easy to him who loves. Love triumphs over obstacles.
Your body had subjected your spirit. Now, by My grace, your spirit has subjected your body.
Those who give themselves up to Love are submissive to its exactions. They embrace My Cross with devotion. Suffering lovingly consented to, My little child, is a royal road which leads in a short time to the summit of perfection. In suffering you resemble Me.
He who lives in Me, dies to himself. Many Christians love equally their God and their pleasures, and the balance even descends more often on the side of pleasures. For many, I am only a duty to be accomplished, nothing more. Work then, My little children, to acquire a little more love, a little more glory for your God. I bless your work and will make it fruitful. True joy in this world is to love and serve Me. Love engenders faith. Faith engenders love. Profit by this love, My child. It is the open door to all My secrets. It is the light of the world. Light which enlightens and sanctifies all men of good will.
Science is often only a word destined to cover man's folly and his pride. And the entire universe suffers from it. Nevertheless science, dealing reasonably with the problems of humanity and put into its service, is worthy of respect.
Always keep a serene countenance. always act as if you are happy. Love is made of hidden heroism. On earth, always be humble little flower. In Heaven, I promise you a chosen place.
Before coming to a stage of perfection one must first pass by a painful stage of struggles and incessant renunciations. ... Make a practice of doing My Will whatever it may cost you.
During your prayer, do not torment yourself trying to find what you would like to say to Me. Abandon yourself to Me. I inspire you. let your soul rest peacefully before Me. Come into My arms. Rest in silence on My Heart.
... I am your neighbor. See Me in all. ... Your lips are My lips, your smile is My smile.
The more you are emptied of self, the more you will be filled with Me.
Because you have loved much, because you have wept, I have forgotten everything, and I have joyfully made you Mine.
Without love nothing exists. All is dead. Happiness on earth is to believe in My love. The little nothing on earth will be great in heaven.
My beloved, your time for prayer may be limited still more. What does it matter! I prolong it twenty-four hours out of the twenty-four. Your prattle of love moves Me profoundly.
In every man there is always a crucial point to which he should give all his attention. In some it is inconsiderate attachment to money; in others it is pride, with all the havoc it works. With that, it takes little to make them ready to canonize themselves. In the case of others, finally, it is self-love, resentment, etc. They do not know how to forgive an offense, and they say they love Me. Certain people seem to be of good will, but if you touch their weak spot their hearts close and it is impossible to change them. The meek and humble of heart are very rare, My child. And many have a thorn in their foot which prevents their advancing towards Me.
To put up with everything for love of Me is also loving Me. I have told you, and I recall it to you: My love is not solely a love of enjoyment, but also and above all a love of self-sacrifice freely consented to, and forgetfulness of self. To suffer with patience is to love Me.
He who says he loves Me and does not put this love into practice deludes himself. See where the love of a God led His Son.
Contrary to what one thinks, the road of love is by far the steepest. ... He who enters on it without sacrificing himself will not go far. At the first turning he will go back. You, My beloved child, take My hand and let Me lead you.
My child, you will keep your human nature. ... and your efforts, sustained by My grace, will cease only at your death. ... It was necessary to suffer for your salvation. ... What makes the value of My saints is not their holiness - all holiness comes from Me - it is the effort they have made to acquire it.
All your life is
and will only be one long cry of love.
Cry of love in the
possession of your God.
Cry of love in the
possession of the gift of God.
Cry of love in joy
and sorrow.
Cry of love in abandonment;
in the Inaccessible, who steals away when one thinks to possess Him.
Cry of love in unsatisfied
Cry of love in solitude
Cry of love in uncertainty
and doubt.
Cry of love in incomprehension
and persecution.
Cry of love of My
child which rises to Heaven, piercing My divine Heart like a sharp arrow.
Nothing you undertake should be of a personal nature. Everything should bear the imprint of abandonment and confidence in me. ... Disappear in Me.
I have had to travel a road more than thirty years long before finding you truly, My poor little sheep. ( Oh, My God, how I love You!)
The memory of Me is sweet to your heart and My grace delights in diffusing itself in your soul. Ecstasy has nourished your love. Faith gently nourishes it still more. ... To hear My Voice, you must resemble a little child. Listen and understand.
If men did not possess a feeling of My Presence in them - a sort of sixth sense, even if sometimes obscure - I tell you, not one of them could become holy. For a great many, alas, this sixth sense is stifled by vice in all its forms.
Say and say again to Me these words: "I love You!" which penetrate like a flaming dart to the very depths of My divine Heart and wound it pleasurably. What a beautiful poem of love is ours. I promise that those who make it their book of life will be rewarded even in this world by an abundance of special graces.
Do you know, My child, that if life disappoints so many souls and at times wounds them so grievously, it is because they wish to live it without Me, often giving Me only a limited part of it. The anticipation of paradise on earth is with Me and in Me. I, who cannot be apprehended, with what joy I allow Myself to be apprehended by My dear little souls. If men listened more in the silence of their hearts, how quickly they would learn to recognize My Voice. You see, the world only perceives futile noises and plunges into them immoderately.
My love for mankind has crucified My flesh, crushed My soul in a terrible agony.
The law I dictate to them is and always has been this: love your God with all your heart and above all things; love one another as I love you; comfort one another. Trust Me. Do not despise any of your brothers for they, like you, are born of Me. And I love you all with an equal love. ... Kindness, justice, fraternity: this is what your life should be.
Do not think about waht you give. Think rather of what you gain by giving. Increase your capital by forgetfulness of self. In you there is room only for love.
Love, be patient and merciful. Remember
the sufferings of others and forget your own ... in Me.
Many of the souls you meet are already dead. Souls are in danger of death because their hearts have become hard as rock. No longer knowing how to love, they run to a place of horror and desolation.
Little victim souls, to fight against heresy. And from each one of these I ask an immemse respect for My Sacrament of Love (the Holy Eucharist). For this sacrament, wounded by outrages, I want fervent defenders.
My beloved children, it is the hour to
fight the good fight. I bless you and mark you with the sign of the Holy
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