A l'ennemy,
l'ennemy foy promise Ne se tiendra,
les captifs retenus : Prins preme
mort, & le reste en chemise, Donnant le
reste pour estre secourus. |
To the enemy prisoners, faith is promised Promises not kept, the prisoners detained First captives being put to death, the rest being
stripped The rest given hope to be rescued. |
Christians, Jews, Westerners captured by Muslim occupying
forces will have to confess or declare their faith with an advanced promise that
they will not be persecuted for their faith. But they will be put to death
after their confession of faith. Some will be stripped and put in concentration
camp, and some will be rescued at the end of WW III.
Voile gallere
voil de nef cachera, La grande
classe viendra sortir la moindre, Dix naues
proches le tourneront poulser, Grande vaincue
vnies à soy ioindre. |
The sail of the galleys and of big ships hidden The great fleet lets lesser ones coming out Ten small ships approach them to drive them back The great being vanished, they shall unite together. |
Due to the early defeats as the Muslim navies rely on small
but fast boats equipped with anti-ship missiles of 60-plus mile range to sink
down much larger ships, the Western navies develop a new strategy in which the
large aircraft carrier will allow much smaller ships or boats to go ahead or
behind within the radius of 60-plus mile, then the carrier or big ship shall
stop or vanish from 60 mile radius, out of the Muslim anti-ship missile range.
A galley is a low, fast moving boat.
Sus la minuict
conducteur de l'armée Se sauuera
subit esuanouy, Sept ans apres
la fame non blasmée, A son retour ne
dira oncq ouy. |
About midnight, the conductor of the army Shall save himself, suddenly vanished Many years later, with his flame non-blemished At his return, they shall never say yes. |
In 1991, US troops suddenly withdrew from Persian Gulf
instead of finishing the job by dealing with Saddam Hussein. More than ten
years alter, even Americans still enjoy the status of the only military
super-power of the world, they will not have many allies this time around when
US troops come back for another war with Iraq.
Albi &
Castres feront nouuelle ligue, Neuf Arriens
Lisbon & Portugués, Carcas, Tholose
consumeront leur brigue, Quand chef neuf
monstre de Lauragués. |
Albi and Castres shall form a new league Nine Arians Lisbon and Portuguese Carcas, Tholose will end their confederation When the new chief is the monster of Lauragues. |
Albi is the anagram for Libia; Castres is of Crescent or
Muslims; nine Arians are Eastern or
Central European countries such as Hungary and Czechoslovakia; Lisbon is Spain;
Carcas is Russia; Tholose is Greece; and Lauragues is the anagram for Arau
(Arab) leagues. The Eastern Alliance will consist of all Muslim nations from
Middle East and North Africa, Eastern European countries, Spain, Portugal,
Russia, and Greece. The leader will be Iran. Russia and Greece even with their
orthodox Christian Slav heritage will end their alliance later when the Eastern
Alliance is controlled by the brutal Iranian monster who will attack Greece
later because they hate all infidels or non-Muslims.
Le grand
conflit qu'on appreste à Nancy, L'Aemathien
dira tout ie soubmets, L'Isle Britanne
par vin, sel en solcy, Hem. mi. deux
Phi. long temps ne tiendra Mets. |
The great conflict in preparation at Nancy The Aemathien shall say “I submit to all.” The British Island arrives at the moon and Sun there Him, Me, two Phil shall not hold Metz long. |
Nancy is the anagram for “N and Y” or NY, or New York.
Aemathien is the anagram for American. “Par-vin” is from French verb “parvenir”
or to arrive or to come. “Sel-en” is “Selene”, or the moon that stands for
Muslims. “Sol” is the sun, standing for God’s Punishment , “cy” is French
adverb “si” meaning “there.” “Hem-Mi” is the anagram for “Him-Me” together with
two Phillips indicating two English-speaking countries. “Metz” is Mediterranean
Sea or Middle East. American and British troops will not stay in Iraq or Middle
East long. The great conflict between East and West or the WW III begins with
September 11th in New York. Americans together with Britain would
present their case to the world before invading Iraq. This second Iraqis war
was deigned by God to be the spark for the Divine Chastisement carried out by
Muslim warriors, symbolized here as the representation of “Moon and the Sun.”
De Castillon
figuieres nour de brune, De femme infame
naistra souuerain prince Surnom de
chausses perhume luy posthume, Onc Roy ne fut
si pire en sa prouince. |
Out of Castillion on a misty day From an infamous woman, a sovereign Prince shall be born His surname of breeches on the ground making him
posthumous Never a worse King in his province. |
This quatrain discusses the mysterious meaning of the name
of the AntiChrist that will be revealed later at the proper time. Another
meaning of this quatrain is that the AntiChrist will be buried alive as he
falls through the cracks on the ground surface caused by a great earthquake
that will destroy most of Jerusalem. The surname here means it is destined or
it is written.
Tasche de murdre,
enormes adulteres, Grand ennemy de
tout le genre humain Que sera pire
qu'ayeuls, oncles, ne peres En fer, feu
eau, sanguin & inhumain. |
Relying on murder, enormous adulteries The great enemy of the whole human race He shall be worse than his grandfathers, uncles, and
fathers In sword, fire, water, bloody and inhuman. |
This is the continuation of the previous quatrain discussing
about the antichrist who will rely on assassination to eliminate enemies and
entertainments including prostitution to recruit new allies.
Ionchere du dangereux passage Fera passer le
posthume sa bande, Les monts
Pyrens passer hors son bagage De Parpignan
couurira Duc à Tende. |
Below Jonchere a dangerous passage The Posthumous shall bring his troop over Pass Pyrenean Mountains without his baggage A Duke shall run from Perpinan to Tende. |
The Posthumous is the AntiChrist, the one who shall
“resurrect” from a deceptive death. He shall move swiftly to capture Spain. He
is the great and vicious warrior.
Esleu en Pape,
d'esleu sera mocqué, Subit soudain
esmeu prompt & timide, Par trop bon
doux à mourir prouoqué, Crainte
estainte la nuit de sa mort guide. |
Elected as Pope, he shall be mocked Suddenly he moved promptly and timidly Because of too much goodness, he provoked his death His death in the night made his guide fearful. |
Pope John Paul I was called the “Smiling Pope” whose
gentleness and kindness were well known. He moved swiftly to expose and correct
the corruption in Vatican inner circle. That was probably the reason why he was
killed one night during sleep. He reigned merely 33 days; the same number of
the total years the Lord lived on earth.
Iour que sera
par Royne saluéë, Le iour apres le
salut, la priere : Le comte fait
raison & valbuéë, Par auant
humble oncques ne fut si fiere. |
The day she is saluted as Queen The day after the salutation, the evening benediction The feast is justified and valid One humble never before one is so highly exalted. |
The official veneration of Blessed Virgin Mary as the Queen
of Heaven and earth by the whole world for the first time in the human history,
after WW III. This might indicate the feast day celebrating the declaration of
the new and the last Marian dogma in which Blessed Virgin shall be recognized
as the Co-redeemer, Mediatrix, and Advocate for the whole human race.
Tous les amys
qu'auront tenu party, Pour rude en
lettres mis mort & saccagé, Biens publiez
par fixe grand neanty, Onc Romain
peuple ne fut tant outragé. |
All friends who belong to one party Through the unlearned, being put to death and robbed Goods sold publicly, the great one annihilated by six Never were clergy would be so outraged. |
The clergy shall be murdered and the properties of the
Church shall be looted while the Muslims occupy Rome and Italy.
Au peuple
ingrat faictes les remonstrances, Par lors
l'armée se saisira d'Antibe, Dans l'arc Monech
feront les doleances, Et à Freius
l'vn l'autre prendra ribe. |
For the ungrateful people, remonstrance shall be
granted Then the army shall seize control of Antibes In the great Gulf of Monaco the unrest shall happen And at Fejus one another fighting over the coastal
land. |
Many civil unrests and internal fighting will occur in
French towns especially in Southern part and coastal area adjacent to
Mediterranean Sea. The civil unrests and wars in the same region was also
mention in Quatrain 5.64.
Par le
cinquiesme & vn grand Herculés Viendront le
temple ouurir de main bellique, Vn Clement,
Iule & Ascans reculés, Lespe, clef,
aigle, n'eurent onc si grand picque. |
By the fifth and a great man Henry He shall open the temple through war-like hand One Clement, Julius, and Ascans shall be put back Sword, key, and eagle have never been in such a grand
picture. |
General Henry will restore Western Christendom. He shall put
back the teachings of the early Fathers of the Church, back to the original
Teaching and Tradition. The Divine Judgment (sword), the papacy and papal
infallacy (key), and the Gospel of Love (eagle) shall be the key ingredients in
the spiritual renewal.
De Pol Mansol
dans cauerne caprine Caché &
prins extraict hors par la barbe, Captif mené
comme beste mastine Par Begourdans
amenée prés de Tarbe. |
John Paul the Labor of the Sun in a goat cavern Hidden, captured, drawn out by his beard (another translation:
by Muslims) Captured, treated like a domestic beast By Begourdans shall be brought near Tarbe. |
Pope John Paul II will be captured and ill treated. He shall
imitate the Passion and Death of the Lord to the very end of his life. The
second line can be translated in two ways: he is drawn out of the cave by the
Muslims; the second meaning is that someone pulling his beard. Tarbe is located
in the south-western France. Begourdans is the anagram for dungeon or the evil
ones, born in the dungeon.
Nepueu &
sang du sainct nouueau venu, Par le surnom
soustient arcs & couuert Seront chassez
mis à mort chassez nu, En rouge &
noir conuertiront leur vert. |
The nephew and blood of the newcomer saint His surname means holding up arch and cover They shall be chased, put to death, chased nude Their red and black shall turn into green. |
Pope JP II and his companions (red for cardinals; black for
priests) shall be martyred and toiled by their captors. His surname sounds like
“pole” which is used to support tent, arch, etc. Green is the color of human
corps. This is the continuation of the previous quatrain.
Le sainct
empire viendra en Germanie, Ismaëlites
trouueront lieux ouuerts. Anes voudront
aussi la Carmanie, Les soustenans de
terre tous couuerts. |
The holy Empire shall come to Germany The Arabs shall seek the open spaces The asses shall romp Carmanie All their supporters are covered with dirt. |
Long after WW III, during the period of peace, Germany shall
join with France to become Holy Frankish Empire once again. The Empire shall
become leader of Europe and of the Christian world. The Arabs shall again live
a normad life romping around the Middle East and north Africa. All radical
Muslims will be buried in their graves as God shall purge ALL evil elements
from the surface of the earth.
Le grand empire
chacun an deuoit estre, Vn sur les
autres le viendra obtenir, Mais peu de
temps sera son regne & estre, Deux ans aux
naues se pourra soustenir. |
The great Empire, everyone would be part of it One above the rest shall obtain it But his existence and reign shall be short-lived He shall maintain his ship for two years. |
After King Henry of France dies, Europe , the sole world power
will become unstable again with many changing hands in leading Frankish Empire
and Europe. The leadership positions will be short-lived , full of turmoils,
paving the way for the reign of a strong leader with an iron hand such as the
long-awaited, wicked AntiChrist.
La faction
cruelle à robbe longue Viendra cacher
souz les pointus poignards Saisir Florence
le duc & lieu diphlongue, Sa descouuerte
par immeurs & flangnards. |
The cruel faction of a long robe Shall come and hide sharp daggers underneath Capture Florence, the Duke and the double word His discovery through young ones and flatterers. |
The AntiChrist shall hide under a disguise of a spiritual
priestly figure to increase his mystical appeal. His name will be a double word
such as the word “Anti-Christ” itself. His identity will be recognized for his
preference for young girls or women and like to be surrounded with the
flatterers. He is very proud and wicked man.
Apres le Roy du
soucq guerres parlant, L'isle
Harmotique le tiendra à mespris : Quelques ans
bons rongeant vn & pillant Par tyrannie à
l'isle changeant pris. |
After the King of saucq talks about war The island of Harmony shall despise him After some good years they shall gnaw their teeth and
endure plundering Through tyrrany the island shall change, enslaved. |
After despising President Bush for going to war with Iraq,
the Western Europe who advocate for harmony and peace shall suffer for their
ignorance under the tyrrany rule and occupation from Russia and Muslims.
“Saucq” is the anagram for Usa.
Amour alegre
non loin pose le siege, Au sainct
barbar seront les garnisons, Vrsins Hadrie
pour Gaulois feront plaige, Pour peut
rendus de l'armée aux Grisons. |
The enlightening love shall cut short the siege And the converted (holy) Muslims shall fill up
garrisons King Henry shall give French people an assurance As they fear Grisons shall take over the army. |
Muslim troops encircling the French troops shall lay down
their arms and surrender as the Holy Spirit enlightens their heart and mind.
King Henry, the commander of French troops assures his people that he will stay
his course, not negotiating with Muslim enemies to advocate peace. Grisons are
the people of South-Western Switzerland. As we can see that Westerners shall
become very terrified of Muslim
Le regne humain
d'Angelique geniture, Fera son regne
paix vnion tenir, Captiue guerre
demy de sa closture, Long temps la paix
leur fera maintenir. |
The human reign of English breed Shall offer in his kingdom, peace and union Half captive with war Long-time peace shall be maintained by him. |
USA loves peace and unity, but will be willing to go to war if
necessary. World peace shall be maintained by them.
Par lors qu'vn
Roy sera contre les siens, Natif de Bloys
subiuguera Ligures : Mammel, Cordube
& les Dalmatiens, Des sept puis
l'ombre à Roy estrennes & lemures. |
At a time the King shall be against his own people The native of Bois shall subjugate the Italians And Mammel, Cordura, and those of Dalmatia Good fortune and spirits shall shadow the King. |
This quatrain is about King Henry of France whom Italy will
adore. “Estrennes” is money and “lemurs” means spirits in Latin. “Des sept”
stands for perfection.
Iardin du monde
aupres de cité neufue, Dans le chemin
des montagnes cauées, Sera saisi
& plongé dans la cuue, Beuuant par force
eaux soulphre enuenimées. |
Garden of the world, near a new city In the way of the hollow mountain Shall be seized and plunged into the tub Being forced to drink poisonous sulfur water. |
I think “Garden of the world” is the cultural center or the
center of New York City or Manhattan that will be attacked by terrorist with
nuclear weapons placed underground in the subways, described here as the
“hollow mountains.” The whole Manhattan will sink into the sea water.
La Meuse au iour
terre de Luxembourg, Descouurira
Saturne & trois en lurne. Montagne &
plaine, ville, cité & bourg, Lorrain deluge,
trahison par grand hurne. |
River Meuse by day in the land of Luxemburg Shall discover Saturn and three in Luna Mountains, plains, town, city, countryside Lorrain flooded, treason by agreat leader. |
The Judgment Day of the Lord (Saturn) will come when the
great flood comes to the mentioned areas between Belgium, Germany, and North-West
of France. Three in Luna are the Eastern Alliance consisting of Muslims (Iran),
Russia, and China. Treason by a great leader probably means treason by France.
Des lieux plus
bas du pays de Lorraine, Seront des
basses Allemagnes vnis, Par ceux du
siege Picards, Normans, du Maisne Ey aux cantons
se seront reünis. |
The lowest places in the country of Lorraine With the lower Germany shall be united By those who seize Picards, Romans of Mesian With the invaders (cantons) they shall be united. |
Germany will form a pact with the advancing Eastern invaders
meaning Russians and Muslims. They will reward Germany with the northern part
of France through annexation. Maisne is the anagram of Messian or the Lord
Jesus. Romans of Maisne is Italy or Rome. Muslims and Russia form a dishonest
pact or peace treaty with Germany to advance their invasion into France, Italy,
and Central Europe. After they acomplish their strategic goals, they will
attack Germany next.
Au lieu où Laye
& Scelde se marient, Seront les
nopces de long temps maniées, Au lieu
d'Anuers où la crappe charient, Ieune vieillesse conforte intaminee. |
At the place Love and Sex through marriage Shall be arranged the nuptial long time in advance At the place of anniversaries where chaff scatters The young girl undefiled shall live till old age. |
In the Eastern countries where marriages are arranged, in
the Western countries where anniversaries of all kinds including wedding
anniversaries being celebrated, young girls and women will live a barren and
single life till old age as there are not enough men to be married to. WW III
will take away so many lives. The barren lady who detests life through abortion
and contraception shall deserve the punishment of lonely barren life without
husband and children.
Les trois
pellices de loing s'entrebatron, La plus grand
moindre demeurera à l'escoute; Le grand Selin
n'en sera plus patron, Le nommera feu
pelte blanche routte. |
Three great harlots shall battle for a long time The greatest but less shall remain watching The greatest Selin (Muslims) shall no longer be her
patron Shall call upon her fire, pestilence, death, rotten. |
The three great harlots are US, Europe, And Russia. The
greatest one but less is US with diminishing superpower status will be on the
sideline at the beginning of WW III watching the invasion of Muslims and Russia
into Europe. Once her good customers and allies, Muslims shall learn to hate
and terrorize US.
mal'heureuses nopces celebreront En grande ioye
mais la fin mal'heureuse Mary & mere
nore desdaigneront, Le Phybe mort,
& nore plus piteuse. |
The unhappy neptunial shall be celebrated With great joy but sad ending Husband and wife turn to the disdained Black God is dead to them as Noir is pitiful. |
Today many marriages are not blessed by God, and they end up
in divorce. Phybe or Appolo is the god of the Sun used by the prophet to imply Jesus
Christ. Nore or noire is the black or unrepentant sinners.
Prelat royal
son baissant trop tiré, Grand flux de
sang sortira par sa bouche, Le regne
Anglicque par regne respiré, Long temps mort
vif en Tunis comme souche. |
Royal Prelate bow himself too low Great flow of blood coming out of his mouth The English reign through dead kingdom For a long time death in Tunis alive like a wooden
stump. |
Clergy will be murdered by Muslim invaders in Europe due to
the decay of Faith, most notably the apostasy in England and Italy. People are
breathing but their souls are dead like dead wood.
Le subleué ne
cognoistra son sceptre, Les enfans
ieunes des plus grands honnira : Oncques ne fut
vn plus ord cruel estre, Pour leurs espouses à mort noir bannira. |
The exalted ones shall not recognize his scepter He shall disgrace the young children of the great ones There have never been so filthy cruel being For his spouses the King shall banish them to death. |
Scandal of sexual child abuse by mostly the abhorred
homosexual priests from the Catholic churches. The King in the last verse mean
Jesus Who will abandon His corrupted religious to slaughter.
A temps du
dueil que le felin monarque, Guerroyera le ieune
Aemathien : Gaule bransler,
perecliter la barque, Tenter Phossens
au Ponant entretien. |
In the time of mourning, the Muslim monarch Shall go to war with the young American France shakes, Papacy in jeopady Marseilles to be tempted, real danger in the West. |
“In the time of mourning” and the word “young American” seem
to indicate that while US is in mourning the death of a great American leader,
Muslim shall become aggressive toward Europe. France will try to stop Muslim aggression
by herself as US will not offer help to Europe. Marseilles will send all her
naval force toward the troubling spot and the entire fleet shall be destroyed
in Mediterranean Sea, and eventually Marseilles minus its navy will become
defenseless against the Muslim invaders later. However, the real thrust will be
in the West through Spain.
Dedans Lyon
vingt & cinq d'vne halaine, Cinq citoyens
Germains, Bressans, Latins, Par dessous
noble conduiront longue traine, Et descouuers par
abbois de mastins. |
In Lyons twenty five persons of the same breath Five citizens German, Bressans, and Italians As noble (religious) they shall take a long train And being discovered through the barking of dogs. |
Clergy and civilians with different nationalities from
occupied territories will be captured by Muslim troops, transported by train to
concentration camps.
Ie pleure
Nisse, Mannego, Pize, Gennes, Sauone, Sienne,
Capue, Modene, Malte : Le dessus sang
& glaiue par estrennes, Feu, trembler
terre, eau, mal'heureuse nolte. |
I weep for Nice,
Monaco, Pisa, Genoa
Savona, Siena, Capua, Modenna, Malta For them, blood ans swords as new year gift Fire, earthquake, flood, sad ending. |
All areas around Mediterranean Sea shall suffer with wars
and natural disasters.
Betta, Vienne,
Emorre, Sacarbance, Voudront liurer
aux Barbares Pannone : Par picque
& feu, enorme violance, Les coniurez
descouuerts par matrone. |
Betta, Vienna, Emorre, Sacarbance Shall try to deliver Pannone to Muslims By pike and fire, enormous violence The conspirators discovered by a matron. |
Besides Vienna, all the names on the first line are now
unidentified. Pannon can be considered as the modern Hungary or the entire
Eastern Europe except Russia. Western Europe shall sacrifice Eastern Europe as
the latter shall fall into the Muslim
and Russian hands after fierce battles.
Prés de Sorbin
pour assaillir Ongrie. L'herault de Brudes
les viendra aduertir, Chef Bizantin,
Sallon de Sclauonie, A loy d'Arabes
les viendra conuertir. |
Near Sorbin, Hungary shall be attacked The herald of Brudes shall give notice The Byzantine chief, Salona of Slavonia The law of the Arabs they shall convert them. |
Again this quatrain prophesies that Hungary, Eastern or
Central Europe will be occupied by both Muslim and Russian troops. Islam
religion will be imposed upon the local Christian believers. Who does not convert
to Islam will be exterminated.
Cydron, Raguse,
la cité au sainct Hieron, Reuerdira le
medicant secours, Mort fils de
Roy par mort de deux heron, L'Arabe, Ongrie
feront vn mesme cours. |
Cydron, Raguse the city of St. Jerome Shall desperately need medical assistance King’s sons dead by the death of two martyrs Arab, Hungary, both will go through the same course. |
This is the third quatrain in the row dealing with Hungary
or Central Europe. Hungary or Central Europe will be attacked by the weapons of
mass destruction by two suicide bombers (martyrs.) The Muslim nations later
will suffer the same fate like Hungary meaning their home lands will be
devastated by the same weapons when the Western Alliance want to end WW III
quickly and also to revenge their beloved dead.
Pleure Milan,
pleure Lucques, Florence, Que ton grand
Duc sur le char montera, Changer le
siege prés de Venise s'aduance, Lors que
Colonne à Rome changera. |
Weep Milan, weep Lucca and Florence When your great Duke climbs on the charriot The siege near Venise advancing and change While Colomne in Rome shall undergo a change. |
Rome shall be attacked by Muslims first, then Venice next.
Milan, Lucca, and Florence shall suffer the same fate. Nostradamus lamentation
indicates that the atrocities will be indescribable.
O vaste Rome ta
ruyne s'approche, Non de tes
murs, de ton sang & substance : L'aspre par
lettres fera si horrible coche, Fer poinctu mis
à tous iusques au manche. |
O vast Rome, thy ruin approaches Not toward thy walls, but of thy blood and substance The harshness in letters, shall cause horrible notch Pointed sword thrust all the way to the shaft. |
Rome will be ruined to its sacred Dogma and Tradiiton, not
just a physical damage under Muslim invasion. The Church’s law will change
dramatically, dictated by the occupying forces whose main purpose is to destroy
Christianity. And one of way to destroy the Church is to make Her conformable
to the modern heresies.
Le chef de
Londres par regne l'Americh, L'isle
d'Escosse t'empiera par gelée : Roy Rebauront
vn si faux Antechrist, Que les mettra
trestous dans la meslée. |
The chief of London under American reign The island of Scotland shall be tried by frost King Reb shall believe in the false AntiChrist Who shall put them in discord. |
England is the only steadfast ally with Americans in the
fight against Muslim terrorism. When America is the only world power, when Scotland
endures unusually cold weather, this prophecy will be applied. Thus, this
quatrain deals with our present time. “King Reb” or Scottish leaders,
encouraged by the Eastern Alliance or Russia and Muslims, will enter a discord
with the troubling English government by demanding an autonomy from London; an
unfortunate development which will further weaken England’s capability to
defend the Island.
Le tremblement
si fort au mois de May, Saturne, Caper,
Iupiter, Mercure au bœuf : Venus aussi, Cancer,
Mars en Nonnay, Tombera gresle lors plus grosse qu'vn œuf. |
The earthquake so great in the month of May Saturn, Caper, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus Venus also cancer, Mars in Nonnay (Virgo) Then shall fall hail bigger than eggs. |
Saturn is the Day of Judgment; Caper is unknown; Jupiter is
men; Mercury is chastisement or misfortune; Taurus is China; Venus is sexual
pleasures or Western countries; Cancer is calamities; Mars is war; Nonnay or
Virgo is unknown.
L'armée de mer
deuant cité tiendra, Puis partira
sans faire longue allée : Citoyens grande
proye enterre prendra, Retourner
classe reprendre grande emblée. |
The army of the sea shall stand before a city Then depart without sailing very far Citizens great prey shall be taken on land The fleet returns to seize the great robbery. |
The Muslim fleet threatens an Italian coastal city, probably
Rome or Venice. They pretend to withdraw to lure the citizens out, then they
come back suddenly, land ashore, capture many prisoners and carry out their
systematic looting throughout the city.
Lœil par obiect
fera telle excroissance, Tant &
ardente que tombera la neige, Champ arrousé
viendra en decroissance, Que le primat
succombera à Rege. |
The eye because of the object shall excreet So much and bright burning shall make snow fall The field with water shall be decayed So that primates shall fall down at Rege (Reggio.) |
A powerful explosion of atomic bomb shall alter the climate of
the earth, blind the human eyes. And the climate changes in turn will cause
much flood and great deal of environmental damages in Italy.
La terre &
l'air geleront si grand eau, Lors qu'on
viendra pour ieudy venerer : Ce qui sera
iamais ne feut si beau, Des quatre
parts le viendront honorer. |
The earth and air shall freeze so much water When they shall come for Thursday worship That which will never be more beautiful From four corners they shall come to honor Him. |
The first Thanksgiving venerated by the pilgrims in America.
L'an mil neuf
cens nonante neuf sept mois Du ciel viendra
vn grand Roy d'effrayeur Resusciter le
grand Roy d'Angolmois, Auant apres
Mars regner par bon heur. |
In the year of 1999 and seven months From Heaven shall come a great King of terror Just as the great King of Mongolians resurrected Before and after wars shall reign at will. |
“Seven” in prophetic
language means many or fulfilled and predestined amount. At the predestined
moment, in the year of 1999, a great leader shall emerge in the world political
arena. This leader is compared to the Mongolian king who once terrorized Europe
in the most brutal way. He will lead the whole world into WW III. In August of
1999, there was only one major leader emerged who was Russian Prime Minister
Putin. Since he obtained the political power, Russian policy of proliferation
of weapon of mass destruction and missile technology has escalated. Putin
eventually will form the Eastern Alliance with Muslims (Iran) and China to
attack Europe, countries around Mediterranean Sea, and in Asia, engulfing the
whole world in WW III.
Le temps
present auecques le passé Sera iugé par
grand Iouialiste, Le monde tard luy
sera lassé, Et desloyal par
le clergé iuriste. |
The present time together with the past Shall be judged by the grand Jovialist The world shall be weary of him at later times And shall become disloyal due to the influence of
clergical jurists. |
The Grand Jovialist is the loving Lord Jesus Christ. The
whole world has forgotten that the Merciful God is also the just Judge who
shall deal with this rebellious world what we are all deserved. The
modernistic, reformist views of the heretical clergy and theologians of our
time are leading the Church and therefore the whole world to damnation
especially after Vatican II. If the Church was only loyal to her Master and
Lord, she would receive sufficient Grace to avert all dangers for the whole
world, and lead all to holiness.
Au reuolu du
grand nombre septiesme, Apparoistra au
temps ieux d'Hecatombe, Non esloigné du
grand eage milliesme, Que les entrez sortiront de leur tombe. |
The revolution of the great number seven past There shall be seen the sports of Hecatombe Not far from the great age of millenium The buried comes out of their tombs. |
The seventh revolution marks the fulfillment of the human history,
the End of the world. In the distant future, Christians again shall be
persecuted and made into the objects of cruel sports, this time by the
incarnated Satan himself. Afterwards, the buried and the dead will all be
resurrected from their tombs or burial places in order to receive the Final
Judgment from their God.
Tant attendu ne
reuiendra iamais Dedans
l'Europe, en Asie apparoistra Vn de la ligue
yssu du grand Hermés, Et sur tous
Roys des Orients croistra. |
Long awaited before he finally shall return Into Europe, then appear in Asia One issued from the lineage of the great Hermes And shall rule over all kings of Orient. |
Hermes symbolizes the human race. King Henry of France is
sent to us by Heaven. His ancestry is derived from Charlemagne the Great (the
great Hermes.) He shall gain respect form both European and Asian countries.
Orient can also mean Middle East.
Les vieux
chemins seront tous embellis, L'on passera à
Memphis somentrées, Le grand Mercure
d'Hercules fleur de lys Faisant
trembler terre mer, & contrées. |
The old routes shall all be embellished On them he shall pass to Memphis, though briefly The great Man of God of royal lineage Making earth, sea, countries trembling. |
Muslim forces will be slaughtered upon their retreat back to
their homelands. General Henry, the descendant from the ancient Frankish royal
monarch, shall pass by Egypt briefly en route to conquer the Middle East and
all Muslim territories. “Fleur de lys” is the coat of arm or emble of the royal
French. And it is well known from an ancient prophecy that a holy French
monarch symbolized by the term “Fluer de lys” some day shall be anointed by God
to defeat evil, liberate Europe, and restore Christendom.
Mis thresor
temple citadins Hesperiques Dans iceluy
retiré en secret lieu Le temple
ouurir les liens fameliques Reprens, rauis,
proye horrible au milieu. |
Treasure placed in the temple by the Western citizens They shall withdraw to a secret place The temple opened by hungry aliens Recaptured ravished, a horrible prey in their mist. |
European local citizens flee away from the incoming Muslim
forces, leave all their possessions behind. The invading troops will rob or
destroy all.
Côme vn gryphon
viendra le Roy d'Europe Accompagné de
ceux d'Aquilon, De rouges &
blancs conduira grane troppe Et iront contre
le Roy de Babylon. |
Like a gryphon shall come the King of Europe Accompanied by those of the North Of reds and whites shall conduct a great troop And shall fight against the King of Babylon. |
Gryphon, a mythical monster, half lion half man, keeps watch
on Russian gold. Red is communist and white is non-communist. Babylon in the Book
of Revelation is the land of the great harlot, consisting all countries that
live according to the modern Western civilization and culture where sexual
pleasures and sins are tolerated or adored. This quatrain indicates that Russia
together with certain European countries shall attack Western Europe including
England, France, and Italy.
Grâd roy
viendra prendre port prés de Nisse Le grand empire
de la mort si en fera Aux Antipolles
posera son genisse, Par mer la
Pille tout esuanouyra. |
The great king shall land at Nice The great empire of death shall be placed there To destinations, he shall put on his horses By sea with pillage all vanish. |
Nice is located in the southern coast of France. “Antipodes”
is the anagram for “destinations.” By sea, Muslims will attack the southern
France, and then Europe. They will destroy everything, murder many on their
conquering path.
Pieds &
Cheual à la seconde veille Feront entrée
vastient tout par la mer, Dedans le poil entrera
de Marseille, Pleurs, crys,
& sang, onc nul temps si amer. |
By foot and horse at the second watch From sea shall come to devastate all They shall enter the port near Marseilles Tears, cries, and blood never a time so bitter. |
In the middle of the night, Muslim invaders shall attack the
port of Marseilles. They shall run over French territories committing numerous
De brique en
marbre serôt les murs reduicts, Sept &
cinquante années pacifique, Ioye aux humains,
renoüé l'aqueduict, Santé, grands
fruits, joye & temps melifique. |
The walls shall turn from bricks to marble Seven and fifty pacific years Joy to men, aqueduct rebuilt Health, great fruits, joy, mellifluous time. |
57 years of peace was given to mankind. If 57 years began
after WW II or after 1945, it would take us to 2002 AD, then more wars shall
begin anew. Now we had seen US and England attacking Iraq in 2002 AD,
triggering WW III. If 57 years of peace begins after WW III or after 2028 AD,
wars shall recur and the great AntiChrist shall emerge some time after 2085 AD.
I myself do not consider the last 57 years as joyful years for the Faith and
the Church, and therefore for all mankind. Contrarily, these last 57 years has
marked the most evil period in the human history by far, in which more
believers are martyred for Christ than any other times; the most innocent blood
was shed, most notably the blood of the unborn; the most sexual sins being
committed; the most profane with Sunday works or shopping; the most divorces;
the greatest Apostasy; and the infamous list keeps going on and on.
De brique en
marbre serôt les murs reduicts, Sept &
cinquante années pacifique, Ioye aux
humains, renoüé l'aqueduict, Santé, grands
fruits, joye & temps melifique. |
From brick to marble walls shall be rebuilt Fifty five years pacific Joy for humans, aqueduct renewed Sanctity, great fruit, joy and merry times. |
57 years of peace and rebuilding after WW III. The period of
glorious Golden Peace in which Faith in
Europe and the whole world shall be restored. There will be one Lord Jesus
Christ, one Church, and one religion. This period will end around 2085 AD.
Deuant le pere
l'enfant sera tué, Le pere apres entre
cordes de jonc, Geneuois peuple
sera esuertué, Gisant le chef
au milieu comme vn tronc. |
Before his father’s eyes, a child perishes Afterwards, the father shall put on electric cord The people of Geneva shall be staggered The chief lying in their midst like a trunk. |
Geneva will be covered with total demolition and dead
bodies. The survivors will envy the dead, then will commit suicide.
La barque
neufue receura les voyages, Là & aupres
transfereront l'empire : Beaucaire,
Arles retiendront les hostages, Prés deux
colomnes trouuées de porphire. |
The new boat shall go on voyages There and near they shall transfer the empire Beaucaire and Arles shall retain hostages Near there two columns of porphyry are found. |
Boat stands for the Pope. Pope JP II will flee from Rome,
avoiding being captured by the advancing Muslims. Doing so, he shall make the
true Church becoming an underground church, and France to replace US as the
world power. Pope JP II shall go into hiding somewhere near Rhone River where
Beaucaire and Arles are. JP II chosen by God to lead the Church in turmoil, to
enlighten the whole world on Faith and Charity. His life symbolizes the two
olive trees standing by the altar of the Lord.
De Nismes,
d'Arles, & Vienne contemner, N'obey tout à
l'edict Hesperique : Aux labouriez
pour le grand condamner, Six eschappez
en habit seraphicque. |
From Nisme, Arles, and Vienne come contempt They shall not obey at all American edict Even the great labors hard, they still condemn Six escape wearing seraphic (angelic) habit. |
All Europe besides England shall show condemnation to US
decision to strike Iraq even though US
has labored hard for her justification. Six here including France, Germany,
Italy, Japan, Canada, and Russia, the G-8 Group minus US and England, shall
appear holy and righteous while condemning the so-called American military
Dans les
Espagnes viêdra Roy tres-puissant, Par mer &
terre subjugant or midy : Ce mal sera,
rabaissant le croissant, Baisser les
aesles à ceux du vendredy. |
The powerful King shall come into Spain Who by land and sea shall subjugate the South The evil shall beat down the crescent And lower the wings of those of Friday. |
Those of Friday are Muslims. The powerful King here is King
Henry of France, the leader of the Western Alliance, who shall defeat Spanish
and Muslim troops, drive away Muslims from Europe both by land and sea, shall
inflict great casualties and devastations upon Muslim and Russian homelands.
Religion du nom
des mers vaincra, Contre la secte
fils Adaluncatif, Secte obstinée
deplorée craindra, Des deux
blessez par Aleph & Aleph. |
The religion in the name of the seas shall come Against the sect of the sons of Adaluncatif The deplorably ostinate sect shall be afraid Of the two wounded by A. and A. |
The name of the seas is Marina, the female adjective of
Marino meaning marine in French. And the anagram of Marina is “Marian” or “consecrated
to Mary.” “Adaluncatif” is the anagram of “Captives of the Moon” or Muslim
radicals. Wounded by A. and A. can be two AntiChrists, or A. can stands for
Antichrist, Apostasy, Atomic bomb. All these forms of chastisements befall on
two major players, France and Italy. This quatrain means that the Western army
of Catholics, devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, led by their commander, the
Marian King, King Henry, shall defeat the Muslim invaders, conquering Middle
East, and destroy Russia. The two victors are also the two most suffering
countries, Italy and France.
La splendeur
claire à pucelle joyeuse Ne luyra plus
long temps sera sans sel : Auec marchans,
russiens, loups odieuse, Tous pesle
mesle mostre vniuersel. |
The bright splendor of the joyful maiden Shall shine no more for a long time, she without salt With merchants, wicked, odious wolves All pestilence, confusion, an universal monster. |
Men will abandon their God like the unwise maidens who
prepare to greet their Master without oil in their lamps. Like salt losing its
taste, they become useless, good for nothing. With materialism and business,
wickedness of men, and wolf in sheep clothings or the heretical clergy, the
world is submerging into confusion and pestilences, a spiritual pestilence. The
increase of wickedness and sinfulness is worldwide, has become universal.
La fin le loup,
le lyon, bœuf & l'asne, Timide dama
seront auec mastins, Plus ne cherra
à eux la douce manne, Plus vigilance
& custode aux mastins. |
At last the wolf, the lion, ox and ass The timid deer shall be with the mastiff The sweet manna shall no longer fall on them More vigilance and custody of the mastiffs. |
This quatrain describes the period of the Golden Peace after
WW III , as prophesied long ago by the prophet Isaiah. This might also indicate
the period of peace after the reign of the AntiChrist, and after the Lord has
chained the Evil One, the great Tempter for
thousand years.
To save souls,
To convert the world,
To stop wars,
To bring about peace,
May the Lord have mercy
on those who heed these messages. I pray for my readers daily.