Estant assis de nuict secret estude, |
Sitting alone in the secret study Soul resting
upon la selle d’aerain Small flame jumps
out of solitude Task accomplished which shall not be believed in vain. |
I am not sure what “
la selle d’aerain” is, but it does not matter. It might mean a brass
three-legged pot containing water or a brass censor containing incense. Gazing on
it with deep meditation, the great prophet Nostradamus witnessed the prophetic
visions. “Small flame” indicates the presence of the Holy Spirit or the divine
inspiration. This is how the prophet composed the Centuries. He retired to his
reserved study, was granted the prophetic visions, and was inspired to write
down the prophecies concerning the future
of mankind which should not be discussed in vain.
La verge en main mise au milieu des BRANCHES, |
The divine Scepter in hand the Lord holds He blesses my limb and feet Fearful I tremble and wait The divine Splendor, the divine Presence nearby. |
BRANCHES was written all in capital or in upper case in the
original French text, as the prophet did in several quatrains, indicating an
utmost reverence or significance. BRANCHES stands for the Messiah, the Lord
Jesus Christ as written in the prophecies of Isaiah and of Zachariah.
Quand la lictiere du tourbillon versee |
When trash is whirled around by strong wind When they cover their faces with cloaks Then the republic will be troubled by the new people Then the white and the red shall misjudge each other. |
Trash is only blown around in our modern cities due to
urbanization. When the radical Islam become dominant and widespread ( the image
here is women covering their faces with turban or veil ), then the republic or
US will be troubled with a new kind of wars or enemies. Eventually, a mistrust
and miscalculation between democratic Western countries ( white ) and Eastern
communist ones ( red ) shall lead to WW III. This is the overall theme of the
ancient prophecies, therefore, it was placed in the very third quatrain, out of
the total 950.
Par l'uniuers sera fait un Monarque, Qu'en paix & vie ne sera longuement, Lors se perdra la piscature barque, Sera regie en plus grand detriment. |
In the whole world there shall be one monarch Whose peace and life shall be short-lived Then the Fishing Boat shall be lost It shall be reigned in the greatest detriment. |
USA has been the only world power since around 1980s, but
her domination and world peace shall be short-lived and it probably will end
around 2006 AD. The Papacy shall be in great peril, Rome shall be destroyed
around this time. Then the holy Pontiff
shall lead the Church through the period of the greatest turmoil.
Chassez seront sans faire long combat, Par le pays seront plus fort greuez : Bourg & Cité auront plus grand debat Carcas, Narbonne, auront cœurs esprouvez, |
They shall be driven away without a long combat For the country-side are most grievous Town and city will have great debate Body without soul ,soul without goodness, their heart
shall be stricken. |
Carcas Narbonne can be interpreted as carcass or
body-without-soul, and narbonne can mean the absence of goodness. Carcas and
Narbonne are also the names of two French cities. Thus, this quatrain is
applied to France, a country who has lost his soul. Thus they shall be
punished. The combats with the Muslim troops will be long-drawn ones.
L'œil de Rauenne sera destitué, Quand à ses pieds les aisles failliront, Les deux de Bresse auront constitué, Turin, Verseil, que Gaulois foulleront. |
The eye of the raven shall be destitute When his wings shall clip to his feet The two beasts shall have constituted Turin, Verceilli the French shall tread upon. |
Ravenne, Bresse, Turin, Verceilli can be interpreted here as
Italian towns, but also as birds or beasts. The two “bresse” or beasts are Muslims
and Russia who shall be driven off from Italy by French troops at the end of WW
Combien de fois prinse Cité solaire, Seras, changeant les loi barbares & vaines Ton mal s'approche, plus seras tributaire, Le grand Hadrie recouurira tes vaines. |
How often you will be captured, O City of the Sun You have changed your laws to barbaric and vain When evil times grow near, you will become more
dependant The great Henry shall restore your veins. |
The City of the Sun is Paris as France once was consecrated
to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Sun or “sol “ in France
stands for the Lord Jesus. During war-time, French people shall turn back to
God. Their great leader Henry will lead this nation back to the Church and the true Catholic Faith after WW III.
De l'Orient viendra le cœur Punique, Facher Hadrie & les hoirs Romulides, Accompagné de la classe Libique Trembler Mellites, & proches Isles vuides. |
From the East shall come African heart To trouble Henrie and the heirs of Romanus Accompanied by Libyan fleet Malta and nearby islands shall be emptied. |
Muslims from North Africa shall attack France and Italy.
Libya shall capture Malta and all islands in Mediterranean Sea.
Serpens transmis dans la cage de fer, Oú les enfans septains du Roy sont pris Les vieux & peres sortiront bas d'enfer, Ains mourir voir de son fruict mort & cris. |
The Ancient Serpent shall be locked up in the iron cage Where many children of the King being held Their ancestors and forefathers shall come forth from
the bottom of hell To cry out seeing their dead fruits. |
The ancient Serpent is Satan, the Devil. This describes the vision
of hell. After the Divine chastisement or WW III, the Lord shall lock up Satan
for a long period of time.
Le mouuement de sens, cœur, pieds & mains Seront d'accord, Naples, Leon, Secile. Glaiues, feux, eaux, puis aux nobles Romains Plongez, tuez, morts par cerueau debile. |
The movement of sense, heart, feet, and hand Shall be in one accord, Naples, Lyon, Sicille Sword, fire, water, then the noble Romans Drowned, killed, dead because of their weak brain. |
The first line means everything is done in a perfect
coordination and swiftness. Russia and Muslims shall attack Europe, most
notably France and Italy with great surprise and swiftness. They shall kill
many including the clergy. They shall destroy Rome. The noble Romans bring this
tragedy upon themselves because of their heretical and false thoughts or
religious teachings.
De gens esclaue, chansons, chants & requestes Captifs par Princes & Seigneur aux prisons. A l'aduenir par idiots sans testes, Seront receus par diuins oraisons. |
In prison by their princes and lords The Slavic people shall request for songs and books In future they shall become idiots without heads While they recite their divine prayers. |
The emergence of communism in Russia which has become an
atheist nation.
Mars nous menasse par sa force bellique, Septante fois fera le sang espandre, Auge & ruyne de l'Ecclesiastique, Et plus ceux qui d'eux rien voudront entendre. |
Mars threatens with the force of war Seventy times he will cause bloodshed Increase the ruin for the Clergy And more for those who disregard the Church’s teaching. |
Mars stands for war. Seventy times means many. Many priests and
bishops and religious shall be killed. Countries like France, England, Italy
who have abandoned their Christian heritage shall suffer most.
Faux à l'estang, ioint vers le Sagittaire. En son haut auge de l'exaltation Peste, famine, mort de main militaire, Le Siecle approcher de renouation. |
Scythe in the pond, joined close to Saturn In haughty age of self exaltation Plague, famine, death by military hand The Century approaches its renewal. |
Scythe joining Saturn indicates that the Divine chastisement
is near. Due to human pride, men rebel against God, and the mankind will be
punished with plague or diseases, famine or natural disasters, and wars. The
human miserable condition is about to
be renewed.. The dawn of the new enlightenment is about to arrive. The last
verse also means the Divine chastisement will occur at the turn of the devilish
20th century. Saturn stands
for Jesus , God, Day of the Lord or Judgment Day.
Par quarante ans l'iris n'apparoistra. Par quarante ans tous les iours fera veu La terre aride en siccite croistra Et grands deluges quand sera apperceu. |
For forty years rainbow shall not be seen For forty years it shall be seen daily Arid land shall become drier And great deluges shall occur. |
Great droughts and floods shall be seen the same time as the
consequences of the climate disturbances due to the global warming.
Par la discorde negligence Gauloise, Sera passage à Mahommet ouuert De sang trempé la terre & mer Senoyse Le port Phocen de voiles & nefs couuert. |
Due to French discord and negligence A passage to Mohammed shall be opened Blood soaks the earth and Italian sea And the port of Marseilles shall be full of ships. |
With French support, Muslim forces grow stronger and the
economic embargo is not effective. France shall pay a heavy price with their
blood for their blindness when their navy is defeated in Mediterranean Sea by
Muslim navy. French ships will depart Marseilles heading toward Italian coast
and will be ambushed by numerous speedy boats or small ships equipped with
anti-ship missiles in bad weather.
Lors que Serpens viendront à circuir l'are Le sang Troyen vexé par les Espagnes, Par eux grans nombre en sera faicte rare, Chef fuit, caché aux mares dans les saignes. |
When the Serpent encircles the altar French blood shall be vexed by Spain By them, a great number shall perish The chief flees hiding in marshes in swamps. |
When the Devil infiltrates into the interior of the Church
meaning the present time we are now living in, or when France loses her Faith,
Spain with a large Muslim population will surrender to the incoming Muslim
invaders, and join force with them to attack France. French leaders will flee
from the Southern France.
Tours, Orleans, Bloys, Angers, Reims, Nantes, Citez vexez par subit changement, Par langues estranges seront tendues tentes Fleuues, dards, renes, terre & mer tremblement |
Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angiers, Reims, and Nantes Are the cities being vexed by sudden change Tents shall be set up by foreign invaders Rivers, missiles, Rhone, land and sea shall tremble. |
Southern France shall be devastated by Muslim and Russian
invaders both by land and sea suddenly.
Profonde argille blanche nourrir rocher Qui d'vn abysme y stra lacticineuse : En vain troubles ne l'oseront toucher, Ignorans estre au fond terre arguilleuse. |
A deep white clay-like substance sips out from the rock From which clay shall break out from the deep like milk In vain, people shall be troubled, dare not touch it They do not know at the bottom of the earth there is
milky clay. |
Nuclear radioactive waste will one day contaminate the area
on the surface of its burial desert. The prophet used the term “ milk “ very
frequently to describe deadly
substances of which he was unfamiliar with such as chemical pollutants and
weapons of mass destruction including nuclear, chemical, or biological.
Ce que viura & n'ayant aucun sens, Viendra leser à mort son artifice. Authun, Chaalon, Langres & les deux Sens, La gresle & glace fera grand malefice. |
Those live without ancient sense Shall put their artificial life to death Austun, Chalan, Langres and two towns of Sens Hail and ice shall cause the great deal of damage. |
The modern paganistic and atheistic France have forsaken the
Faith of their fathers. They have lost the natural goodness, they have lived
for comforts and natural instincts, only for what they can see and feel, can
reason, but not for moral values, not for the natural goodness, and definitely
not for the God they have forgotten. Their lives have become artificial just like
their hollow humanistic phrases and literatures. They shall pay for it by their
own blood and sufferings at the end.
A Cité neufue pensif pour condamner, L'oysel de proye au ciel, se vient offrir Apres victoire à captifs pardonner, Cremone & Mantoue grand maux aura à souffrir. |
A modern city considered to be condemned The bird of prey shall offer himself to Heaven After the victory, he shall pardon the captives Cremona and Mantua shall suffer great hardships. |
A modern city which might be Paris is condemned due to its
total ruin. The “ bird of prey “ is the phrase Nostradamus used to describe
King Henry of France, a greatly devout Catholic military leader.
Perdu, trouué, caché de si long siecle, Sera pasteur demy Dieu honoré, Ains que la Lune acheue son grand cycle, Par autres vieux sera deshonoré. |
Lost, found, hidden for a long century A pastor shall be honored as a demi-god As Marian period comes to an end By others, the Ancient One shall be dishonored. |
Lune or the moon can stands for Muslims or Blessed Virgin
Mary. After WW III, Satan and his cohorts shall be restrained from tempting
mankind for 70 –100 years. This is the period of Golden Peace. Afterwards, a pastor shall be worshipped instead of
the true God or the Ancient One. This pastor is the AntiChrist.
Le grand du foudre tombe d'heure diurne, Mal & predit par porteur postulaire, Suyuant presage tombe d'heure nocturne Conflit, Reims, Londres, Etrusque pestfere. |
The great man by lightning shall be struck down during
the day Evil predicted by the bearer of postulation By the presage another one shall tumble at night The conflicts in Reims, London, and pestilence in Tuscany. |
Before WW III in France, England, and Italy, two major
political figures shall be gunned down, one during the day and another one at
night. The one who dies during the day has been prophesied by an evil curse.
The Indian curse since early 18th century that every twenty years, a
US President would die in office. This curse has been validated ever since. The
last one was killed was JFK in 1963 and Reagan got wounded in 1985. If the
curse was not broken, President Bush would die in office in 2005.
La tour de Bouq craindra fuste Barbare |
The tower of Book shall fear the Muslim fleet For a time and a long time later Western fleet Cattle, people, possession both receive great loss Taurus and Libra, what a mortal quarrel ! |
The tower resembling an open book (Bouk) will fear the
incoming Muslim aircrafts. Can this be the World Trade Center in NY?
Afterwards, the Western fleet will arrive at Mediterranean Sea. Many people
will die in WW III. Libra symbolizes a nation governed by law and order which
the prophet used often to indicate USA. And Taurus, the opposite astrological
sign to Libra symbolizes China here. China and US will engage in a bloody
conflict probably over Taiwan or North Korea.
Quand le poisson terrestre, & aquatique |
When the fish can travel on both land and sea By a great wave cast upon the shore Its shape is strange, smooth and horrible By sea, the enemy shall reach the wall soon |
This describes a modern invasion or landing by Marines on a
coastal area, probably Mediterranean Sea such as Italian or French coasts.
La nef estrange par le tourment marin |
A strange ship because of the stormy sea Shall approach an unknown port Notwithstanding the signs of the palm branches After death and pillage, good advice recognized too
late. |
Due to their overconfidence, basing their military decisions
on the well-disguised intentions from their enemies (palm branches ), and
ignoring all the warning signs, French aircraft carrier and ships will be sunk
by the Muslim navies who will use much cruder means such as speed boats
ambushing them near the Italian sea port. This strategy will work well in such
a narrow area as Adriatic Sea . Nostradamus’s prophetic advice to his beloved
France will not be heeded until it is too late.
Tant d'ans les guerres, en Gaule dureront |
So many years of wars, France shall endure Outside the course of Spanish King Even the victory is uncertain, three great ones are
crowned Eagle, Cock, Moon, Lion, Sun in the mark. |
Gaule is France, Castulon is Spanish, an ally with Muslims
reluctantly. Three great ones are Eagle or US, Cock or France, and Lion or England
from the Western Alliance. Lune is the moon or Muslims, Soleil is the Sun or
God. Many battles will take place on French soil for many years. The second
line indicates about thirty years. France, Britain, and US will claim the final
victory but it all seems as a loss due to the heavy casualties suffered by all
sides. “ Sun in the mark “ means “ at the conclusion of the Divine Chastisement
Le grand empire sera tost translaté |
The great Empire shall soon change place Into a small place which very soon shall grow An interior place of a small country In the middle of it, he shall come to lay down his scepter. |
After WW III, France will replace US as the world leader
even it is much smaller in size and power. French leader Henry will die in a
small town.
L'oyseau de proye volant à la fenestre, |
The bird of prey shall fly to the left Before the conflict happens in France he shall prepare Some consider him good, others consider him ambiguous
or sinister The minority shall regard him as a good figure. |
General Henry is preparing himself to lead France and carry
out God’s Will by being a devoted catholic. Many will not think much of him.
Tard le Monarque se viendra repentir, |
Too late a monarch shall repent Of not putting his adversary to death But he will consent to the One much higher Through all, he shall shed his blood through death. |
President Bush Senior regrets for not finishing Saddam
Hussein. But it is a destiny designed by God as his son, Bush Junior has to
invade Iraqis soil later as this second Iraq war is designed to weaken the sole
superpower and to trigger the Last Crusade or in broader sense, the WW III
which shall serve as the Divine Chastisement.
Vn peu deuant que le Soleil s'esconse |
Shortly before the sun sets Battle engaging great people in doubt Proliferated, marine port shall give no response Bridge and tomb in two foreign places. |
Before the end of the Divine chastisement or WW III (the sun
sets), a decisive battle will take place on land. This might be the great
Armageddon battle in which no clear victor will emerge. Many will die in
foreign land. This quatrain preceding the subsequent quatrain 1.38 indicating
that it deals with the Final Battle.
Le Sol & l'Aigle au victeur paroistront, |
The Sun and Eagle shall appear as victors Vain response assured for the defeated (vanquished) By no means arms can be stopped Vindicated, peace only through death have to be
achieved in time. |
WW III will go on until the total destruction on both sides.
Prayers by unrepentant sinners will go unanswered. But at the end, the victory
shall belong to Jesus Christ (the sun) and His Gospel (the eagle.)
La trombe fausse dissimulant folie, |
The false trumpet plays with madness Causes Byzantium to change her laws From Egypt one shall go forth even he wants to withdraw The edict affects money and gold standards. |
The Islamic extremists will dominate all Muslim countries by
bringing their revolution to the streets with loud speakers (trumpets). They
will take over Turkey and Egypt will reluctantly join them. The Arabic Pact or
the edict of United Muslim Conference will create a great instability in Wall
Street or stock markets, eventually cause the inflation and economic collapse
in many countries.
Les dix Kalendes d'Auril de fait Gotique |
The tenth of the Calendar of April of Gothic fashion Resurrected again by the evil people The fire put out, a diabolic assembly Shall seek the bones of Demon and Psellus. |
The 10th of April according to Gothic account is
Good Friday. The Christian calendar and conventions might be abolished.
Witchcraft, magic, diabolic cultism will make a comeback as Faith is weakened.
qu'aduienne le changement d'Empire, |
Before the change of the Empire comes There shall occur a marvelous event A field moved, and a pillar of porphyry Shall be transported, placed upon a chalky rock. |
Before France becomes the world leader, the Divine
manifestation will take place as a monument being placed on a certain place by
En bref seront de retour sacrifices, |
For a short time, idolatry sacrifices shall return Who refuses shall be put to martyrdom There shall be no monks, abbots, or novices Honey shall be more valuable than wax. |
Under the occupation of the foreign invaders, people are
forced to worship idols or false gods.
The true believers who refuse shall be put to death. Materialistic gain
which is encouraged over the spiritual life.
Secteur de sectes grand peine au delateur, |
The founder of sects, great pain for the Delateur The beast in theater rehearses a scenic play The inventor reinvents nobly the ancient act Through sects the world becomes confused and
schismatic. |
There is a spiritual battle through the world manipulated by
the devil behind the scene, controlling or influencing all our human actions.
The Devil shall disguise his deceits to lure souls in more cunning ways which
paints the immoral and evil into something with more noble and benevolent,
fanciful terms.
Tout aupres d'Aux, de Lectore & Mirande, |
Close to Aux (Auche), Lectore, and Mirande Great fire from Heaven will fall for three nights The cause for this is so stupendous and miraculous Shortly after the earth shall tremble. |
For three straight nights, the south-western part of France
will be lit up with fire or light in the sky of which origin is unknown and appears
miraculous in nature. At the same time when one sees these lights in SW of
France, Pope JP II will be martyred. Shortly afterwards, WW III will begin in
Du Lac Leman, les sermons fascheront. |
The speeches in Lake Leman (Geneva) shall become
agitated Some lasts for days, then extending into weeks Then months, then into years, and finally all fail The magistrates shall lament their vain laws. |
The international conferences held in Geneva fail to bring
peace to the troubled regions or the World Court in Geneva fails to prosecute
the war crime criminals.
Vingt ans du regne de la Lune passez, |
Twenty years the reign of Muslims to pass Seven thousand years another shall hold the Monarchy When the Lord finishes His days Then it is accomplished and my prophecy is ended. |
Muslims will dominate the world for twenty years, probably
2000 – 2020 AD. “Seven” is the prophetic term implying a completion or
fulfillment, not taken literally as the numerical seven. Thus, “seven thousand years” means the End of the world counted in
thousands of years. At the End of the world beyond 3800 AD according to
Nostradamus, the human history will
repeat itself as another dominating monarchy such as Islam extremism shall
dominate the world again. The world shall endure another evil period. After
that, the whole creation shall come to the End. The whole human history lasts
about 8000 years, four thousands before Christ and four thousands after Christ.
Beaucoup, beaucoup auant telles menees, |
Long long before these happenings The Oriental thanks to the Muslims In the year of 1700 shall drive many away And shall subdue almost the whole Northern corner. |
Thanks to the invasion and conquering Europe by Russians and
Muslims ( lunaire or moon stands for Muslims, ) the Oriental or China will
become more aggressive in Asia. They probably will attack Taiwan and
neighboring countries such as Japan, Korea, South-East Asia, Australia, and so
on. Nostradamus often dated several significant prophetic events beginning at
325AD, the year of the first Council, the Nicean Council. Thus, the year of 1700
actually is 1700 plus 325 or 2025AD. Russia cannot sustain the momentum as WW
III will drain away her resources and she will expose herself vulnerable to
Chinese attack, and China does not want to see Russia become the dominant world
power as she had suffered Russian aggression in the past. Therefore, China will
intervene in Europe on the behalf of European countries to confront Russian
troops in Central Europe, the vicinity of Hungary, Austria, and Czech, which will become major battleground as many
quatrains also indicate. China will travel and conquer Russian land along her
way to Europe. By the year of 2025AD, China will occupy most Siberia region
and Central Asia from Russia.
De l'aquatique triplicité naistra, |
By the aquatic triplicity, one nation is born Thursday shall be his holiday His fame, praise, reign, and power shall grow By land and sea, he shall tempest the East. |
USA surrounded by three seas had designated Thursday as the
national holiday called Thanksgiving. This blessed country shall become the
world superpower, controlling the aggressions from the eastern countries such as
Russia, Muslims, Japan, and finally China.
Chef d'Aries, Iupiter & Saturne, |
Chiefs of Heaven , Satan and the Lord God God Eternal, what mutations ! After one long century, his evil time returns France and Italy, what emotions! |
Aries is the anagram for aires or heavens; Jupiter stands
for Satan and Saturn for the Lord or God. The long century is the twentieth century, one hundred years
allotted by God to Satan to tempt mankind. France and Italy will endure most
sufferings caused by the coming WW III.
Les deux malins de Scorpion conioints, |
Two evil influences joined in Scorpion The great Lord murdered in his room Pestilence to the Church by the new king The lower part of Europe and three belonging to the
Serpent. |
Two evil influences are Western atheistic paganistic Europe
and communist radical Eastern Alliance consisting of Muslims, Russia, and
China. The lower part of Europe especially around Mediterranean Sea and three
countries , England, France, and Italy who are under the influence of Satan.
Septentrionale is the anagram for serpent-trionale or three
countries under the Ancient Serpent’s dominion.
Las qu'on verra grand peuple tourmenté, |
Alas, how much a great people tormented And the holy Law in total ruin By pagan laws, Christianity is governed And the new source of wealth shall be found. |
In our century, the Church’s Teaching is neglected, God’s
commandments are trivialized and disobeyed. Most Christian countries are no
longer governed based on Catholic or Christian principles while materialism
through newly found wealth is emphasized instead. To be specific, the new
source of wealth all come from petroleum oil.
Deux reuolts faits du malin falcigere |
Two revolutions caused by the Death Makes a complete permutation in kingdoms and centuries Libra’s scale of justice is so meddled Inclined equally to both sides. |
The Devil enticed two major revolutions: French intellectual
liberality and communism, affecting all
humanity for centuries. One of the consequences is the birth of the distorted
justice system or democracy in which there are two extremes, left-wing and
right-wing, which results in a “meddling “ compromise in everything including
morality and Faith. They assign this a good thing with a fanciful term called
“moderate” or “centrist.” What it truly is the devil in disguise as by this
principle, everything can be rationalized, therefore, can be compromised and
tolerated. Everything is governed by the majority rule, by the norm of society.
There is no more moral standards and the absolute Truth or the Divine and
natural laws.
Soubz l'opposite climat Babylonique, |
Under the opposite Babylonian climate There shall be a great deal of bloodshed Heavenly mercy shall seem withdrawing from land, sea,
and air Sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion. |
When the world becomes confused (opposites) and sinful with
sexual pleasures (Babylonian), then there will be wars on land, sea, and air.
The Divine chastisements shall be metered out in many forms: occults, famine,
annihilation of countries, plagues, the loss of faith (due to the lack of the
divine Grace), and so on.
Vous verrez tost & tard faire grand change |
You shall soon see, great change being made late Extreme horrors and obsession As if Muslims directed by their angels Heavenly court shall hide her face. |
Lune is Moon symbolizing Muslims. God will refuse to hear
the pleadings from His rebellious creatures. The world will be completely
ruined or changed when the Muslims led by their spiritual principalities to
carry out wars with numerous atrocities and human loss. It would appear that
God had abandoned mankind to themselves.
Par grand discord la trombe tremblera, |
With great discord the trumpet blasts (Peace) accord broken, face lifted to Heaven Bloody mouth swimming in blood On the ground the face anointed with honey and milk. |
With a great solemnity, the Sixth Angel of the Apocalypse
shall blast his trumpet signifying the divine Chastisement in the form of WW
III has begun. On earth, the peace accord is broken or cannot be reached. Men
can only pray for God’s mercy. Many lives will be lost in the sea or swimming
in their own blood. On the ground is the corpse of a well-to-do materialistic
Westerner who once concerned only with his physical being and comfort, and he
would have no will to fight with the vicious and spirited enemies.
Trenché le ventre, naistra auec deux teste |
Joint in the belly, it shall be born with two heads And four arms, shall live for few years The day the eagle celebrates its feasts Fossan, Turin, the chief of Ferrara shall run away. |
When we witness the wonder of the modern medical technology by
which a Siamese twin can be separated, Muslims shall invade Italy while US
celebrates her holiday (the Fourth of July?) the Pope or the chief of Ferrara
will have to flee from Rome.
Les exilez deportez dans les Isles, |
The exiles are carried to the islands At the change of the more cruel monarch They shall be murdered, and placed in two incinerators Because they have not been sparing their tongues. |
The “exiled” are the devout believers who have a strong
Faith in God, who regard little of their human well-beings, consider their earthly life as merely an exile or sojourn to
their eternal home in Heaven. Thus, Christians, Jews, and Clergy who do not
denounce their Faith will be sent to the concentration camps located in Malta
and the neighboring islands for the mass exterminations after the Muslims
capture the southern Europe and all the Mediterranean coasts. Muslims countries
will be overtaken by the radical Muslims ( more cruel monarch.)
La grande perte laslque feront les lettres |
Alas what great loss to learning Before the cycle of the Moon be accomplished Fire, great flood, and more by ignorant rulers So long a century, things shall not be seen restored. |
Great deal of scientific and other learnings and writings
during the twentieth century, but great loss of the spiritual learning. As the
consequence, mankind shall suffer with natural disasters, wars, and immoral
unjust laws from their governments. Fire and great floods were mentioned a
great deal by the prophet. Will many countries suffer with worldwide or large
scale wildfires and floods of the
unprecedented magnitudes?
Les fleaux passees diminué le monde, |
The scourges passed, the world made smaller Peace for a long time, land inhabited again Everyone safely travels by air, land, and sea Then wars shall be made anew. |
There will be a long period of peace after the first two
world wars, then there will be wars again.
We marvel at the prophecy about air travel, many hundred years before it
was made possible.
De nuict soleil penseront auoir veu, |
At night they shall think they see the sun When the pig half-man shall be seen Noise, singing, battle in the sky seen fighting And brute beasts shall be heard speaking. |
The modern battles with flares at night lightening the
battle-field, a pilot seen in the cockpit ( pig-half man). Brute beast speaking
might be a radio device.
La grand famine que ie sens approcher, |
The great famine I sense approaching Turning one way or another, then become universal So great and long one shall begin to pluck Roots of wood and infant by the breast ( of their dead mothers.) |
Worldwide starvation especially in Africa. God has provided
more than enough to feed us all. Scientists estimated that the current entire
population of the world could be fed comfortably only if ten percent of the earth surface could be cultivated and
the crops distributed fairly. Such a tragedy caused by greed and selfishness!
La grand montagne ronde de sept estades, |
The great mountain encompasses seven stadia After peace, war, famine, flooding Shall spread far, sinking many countries Even the ancient landscapes to their foundations. |
Seven stadia equals 4247 feet, however, “seven” here simply
means great many stadia or great many feet wide. Anyway, a comet with a great
circumference of several miles will fall into the earth. The words “spread “
and “sink “ indicates that this comet
will land in the sea, Mediterranean or Atlantic, wiping out many coastal areas
and many nations. And you see later in one quatrain which indicates that Greece
shall cease to exist due to great flood. The ancient landscapes might be
Egyptian pyramids. The chronological order was actually written in reverse.
First will be flooding, famine, then war, peace, and finally comet or asteroid
striking the earth. After WW III ends around 2026 AD, an asteroid or comet
shall arrive colliding with the earth.
Pluye, faim, guerre, en Perse non cessee, |
Rain, famine, and war shall not cease in Persia Too great trust shall betray the monarch Ended there but conceived in France A secret omen for one who shall die. |
Natural disasters and wars continued in Iran. Ayatollah Khomeini directed a revolution overthrowing the Shah of Iran while be exiled in France. In 1978, Khomeini started the revolution. In 1979, Iran-Iraq war took close to million Iranian lives.
La Tour Mariue trois fois prinse & reprinse |
The marine tower shall be taken and retaken three times By Spanish, Muslims, Italians Marseilles and Aix, Arles by those of Pisa Devastation, fire, sword, pillage in Avignon by the Turinians. |
The strait of Gibraltar at the entrance into Mediterranean
Sea by Spain will be controlled by Spanish, then Muslim, then retaken by the
Italians. Marseilles will be taken after Aix, Arles after Pisa, and Avignon
after Turin falls.
Du tout Marseille des habitans changee |
All the inhabitants of Marseilles will change Fleeing and pursuing as far as Lyon Narbonne and Toulouse outraged by Bordeaux Killed and captured are almost one million. |
Southern France shall be devastated by Muslim invasion.
Enormous casualties on French civilians will probably be inflicted with the weapons
of mass destruction. Reinforcement promised by Bordeaux will never come to
assist Narbonne and Toulouse.
France à cinq parts par neglect assaillie |
Due to neglect, France shall be assaulted on five
fronts Tunis and Algeria stirred up by Persians Leon, Seville, Barcelonia fallen There shall be no fleet by Venetians. |
Iran will stir up the Islamic extremists from Northern Africa
including ones in Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt. France will be attacked
from five fronts possibly as follows: Russians from the north and Central
Europe and from Italy; Muslims from the south, from Spain, and from
Mediterranean Sea. French navy stationed in Marseilles will completely
destroyed in Mediterranean Sea or Adriatic Sea, therefore, they will never be
able to return to protect their homeland. Italy ( Venetians ) will have no
fleet either for some unknown reasons.
Apres seiourné vogueront en Epire |
After the retreat, they shall travel to Epirus A great help shall come around Antioch The curly-haired king shall try hard for the empire The Muslims from Iran shall be roasted on a pit. |
After a long series of defeats to the Eastern Alliance,
Western Europeans finally turn the tide of battles by liberating Western
countries, then come to rescue Greece from Muslim occupying forces. The
Alliance commander will be a French general named Henry who has a black curly
hair. During the pursuit of the retreating Muslims, they shall burn alive the
supreme Muslim commander who probably gets fired upon directly.
D'vn nom farouche tel proferé sera, |
By a fierce name, one shall be called Three sisters shall have the name Fato Then the great people with great language and deed Shall say above any other man are his fame and renown. |
King Henry of France will have a fierce name. Three sisters
– France, England, and Italy – will form the version of NATO led by France or
FATO. General Henry of France will be the leader of the world after WW III.
Bazax, Lectore, Condon, Ausch, Agine, |
Bazaz, Lestore, Condom, Auch, Agen Decimated by laws, quarrels, and monopolies Carcassone, Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Bayonne shall be in
ruin When they want renewing the idol sacrifice. |
The South Western region of France will be decimated by
civil unrest, law, regulations, quarrels, etc. They will be ruined when they
want to replace their Catholic tradition with idol worshipping.
De la fixiesme claire splendeur celeste, |
From the sixth bright celestial splendor It shall thunder so strongly in Burgundy Then a monster shall be born from the hideous beast March, April, May, June great wounding and gnawing. |
When the Sixth Angel of the Apocalypse blows the trumpet,
the Divine Chastisement shall begin in earnest with WW III. An evil leader who will
start the War and who was incarnated from the Devil, will emerge on the
political scene after a political turmoil lasting several months up to July.
This leader will be appointed to lead his country (Russia, Iran, or China?)
some time after the month of June. Putin of Russia was officially appointed to
be the Prime Minister after a long period of turmoil at the very beginning of
August of 1999. Nostradamus actually spelled out this important event in
Quatrain 10.72.
D'humain troupeau neuf seront mis à part : |
Among the human flock, nine shall be set aside Divided in their judgment and counsel Their destiny is to divide and to depart Kappa, Theta, Lambda, dead, banished, scattered. |
This quatrain prophesies the US Supreme Court, a divisive
institution which can only lead the American society and the world to death by sins
through their legal mumbo-jumbo interpreting or inventing new laws based on the
modern cultural norms or immorality, not based on the original spirit of the
laws. An institution from hell.
Quand colomnes de bois grande tremblee |
When the columns of timber tremble greatly By the strong wind and covered with fire red Such a great assembly shall push forward Vienna and Austria shall tremble. |
Austria and many areas in Europe will suffer wild fires due
to prolonged droughts or other unusual events before Muslims and Russians
assemble armies to attack Europe. Austria itself will be devastated by Russian
occupation along with other countries
in the same region of Central Europe.
La gent estrange diuisera butins |
The foreign people shall divide booty Saturn in Mars shall gaze furiously Horrible foreigners in Tuscan and Latins Grecians shall be reluctant to strike. |
The Divine Chastisement by war or “Saturn in Mars” will take
place. Muslims and Russian invaders will ransack the properties and kill many
Italians (Tuscan) and clergy in Rome ( Latins). Greece will take side with
Russia reluctantly as she is also cautious of Muslims. However, Greece later
will be destroyed by Iranian troops anyway.
Lune obscurcie aux profondex tenebres, |
The moon obscured in the profound darkness Her brother shall become rusty-red in color The great one shall hide in a long time in shadow He shall hold his blade in the bloody wound. |
In the recent years, the fairly rare events have happened
quite frequently, the eclipse in which the moon and the sun appeared to be
rusty red or chocolate-like. When this happens, the Death in the shadow of
darkness shall hold up his bloody
Scythe for a long time meaning human blood will flow for many years.
La grande Royne qaund se verra vaincue |
When the great queen sees herself vanishing Shall exercise with masculine courage On the horse, she shall pass the river completely naked With a sword, she shall outrage her faith. |
During the twentieth century allotted by God, feminism
movement was emerged. Pornography and sex were used as their tools. Feminism
leads to the cultural changes, social ills, immorality, divorce, break-up of families,
adultery, teenage pregnancy, abortion, birth control, working women,
pornography, and so on. This movement causes the moral decay and the loss
of Christian Faith.
Ennosigée feu du centre de terre, |
Ennosigee, fire from the center of the earth Shall tremble the tower of a new city Two great rocks have been at war a long time Then (Areth)USA shall cover with red river (of lava.) |
Ennosigee or Ennosigaeus, a Greek word for earthquake. A
great earthquake will occur in a modern city with many “towers” or tall modern
buildings. The last verse indicates that it will take place in USA probably in California
where the San Andreas Fault ( two great rocks) have been sliding over each
other for a long time.
Le diuin mal surprendra le grand Prince, |
The divine wrath shall overtake the great prince A short time before he meets his Spouse Both (human ) support and merit suddenly shall become
trivial Counsel shall die because of the shaven head. |
It will be the destined time for King Henry of France to
leave this world to meet his beloved Espoused, the Lord Jesus. All human gain,
credential, support he has tried to achieve suddenly will become meaningless.
The religious, a close confidante
( counsel ) shall be the one who betrays him.
Toust ceux de Ilerde seront dedans Moselle |
All from Lerida ( Spain ) shall be in Moselle Putting to death all those of Loire and Seine The sea current shall reach near high valleys When the Spanish opens all their veins. |
Spain will attack the cities in Southern France who are suffering greatly at the same time with
Les Dieux feront aux humains apparence, |
The gods shall make it apparent to men That they are the authors of the great conflict Before the sky seen serene without swords and lance The one on the left shall suffer greater affliction. |
The world wars are the consequences of the spiritual battles
between good and evil. Thus, they are the manifestations of the Divine Justice.
Battles in the air with airplanes and missiles are prophesied here. The leftist
meaning the liberal, atheistic, communist countries will suffer most. The last
line concerning the leftist or communist indicates that this particular
quatrain or prophecy is about the world war still to come or WW III. Men still
believe they control their destiny as they do not believe in God, do not
realize they offending Him with their sins, therefore, they do not recognize
the Hand of God in all the world events.
Sous vn la paix par tout sera clamee |
Under one man, peace shall be claimed to all But not long before pillage and rebellion Because of refusal, towns, land and sea be assaulted Death and captives one third of one million. |
Saddam Hussein acted like a supreme being who bring peace to
his people. But because of his refusal to allow the UN inspectors in, Iraq was
attacked by US troops. The Iraqi casualties will amount to around one-third of one million.
Terre Italique pres des monts tremblera, |
Italian land near the mountains shall tremble Lion and cock not too united Due to fear one shall help the other Only Spain and France relationship is moderate. |
The region around the Alps in Italian side is trembling due
to the advance of the foreign invaders. They do not receive the timely help
from either France or England due to the disagreement or bitterness that
England has for France who not only opposed the Iraq war but also assist the
Muslim countries in acquiring advanced weapons and military technologies.
However, they will eventually cooperate reluctantly in fighting the Russians
and Muslims. Spain initially will try to be neutral and become the international
mediator, but later will side with the Muslims. USA will be mostly absent at
the beginning because of her indignant sentiment against the liberal
continental Europe who bring their own tragedy upon themselves for opposing the
Americans and support the Muslims who are now invading them.
Au port Selin le tyran mis à mort, |
At the Muslim port, the tyrant shall be put to death Liberty non given shall not be recovered The new war due to vengeance and remorse The lady through force of terror shall be honored. |
At the end of WW III, the Muslim territories will be
occupied. The tyrant , the Muslim leaders probably Iranians will be put to
death for war crimes. The prolonged new kind of wars will be conducted in
Muslim soil by the occupying forces through vengeance as their enemies were
once merciless toward their fallen comrades and they had slaughtered their
beloved family members. The Westerners will use terror as the tool to control
the Muslim occupying territories. They will set up a female leader for the
Muslim remnants.
Deuant monstier trouué enfant besson |
In front a monastery an infant twin is found Born from the heroic blood of a monk and the Ancient
One His fame through the religious cult, speech and power So that one shall say that the Vopisque is so high
elevated. |
Vestutique means ancient; vospique means the healthy
survivor of a set of twins in Latin. The AntiChrist is long prophesied to be an
illegitimate child of an abbot or monk and a prostitute. He is begotten by the Ancient Devil himself. He
will be adored through his powerful speech and occultic religion, and
successful military power.
Celuy qu'aura la charge de destruire |
He who has the charge to destroy Shall change churches and religion with fantasy Shall do more harm to rocks than the living By a smooth
tongue filling up ears. |
This is the continuation of the previous quatrain. The
AntiChrist is the arch-angel of the abyss, called Abaddon or Apollyon meaning
the Destroyer (Rev. 9:11). He will destroy many cities but leaving the
country-side or wilderness intact. The AntiChrist will turn heretic as he
replaces the Church’s Teaching with the fanciful New Age thinking, worshipping
nature instead of God.
Ce que fer, flamme, n'a sceu paracheuer, |
What cannot be accomplished with gun or fire Shall be done by a smooth tongue in a council Through sleep and dreams, the king shall contemplate Putting more enemies through fire and military
bloodshed. |
The AntiChrist will lead one-world government. He will
communicate with the Devil, his master and father, through dreams and visions
in designing their schemes of terror.
Le grand Monarque qui fera compagnie, |
The great monarch shall form a company With two kings united by friendship O what a fight their troops create Around Narbonne how pitifully children shall suffer. |
Russia will form an alliance with China and Iran to fight
the Western countries. The southern France or Rhone River valley will be
devastated by the Muslim invaders who will enter through Spain and Marseilles.
French children in this region will suffer much, probably due to the weapons of
mass destruction, plagues, and missile bombardments.